Join Abbott's Navy

“We are a humanitarian country. We don't turn people back into the sea, we don't turn unseaworthy boats which are likely to capsize and the people on them be drowned. We can't behave in that manner." – John Howard.[1]

Tony Abbott has announced that if he becomes Prime Minister, he’ll force the navy to turn back all asylum seeker boats - asking Australian Navy personnel to do the extraordinary thing of repairing unseaworthy boats while out at sea, before sending asylum seekers back on a dangerous journey.

Imagine what it would really mean for our defence personnel -- enlisting to serve and protect your country and instead being used as a political pawn to prevent desperate civilians from seeking Australia’s help. Imagine having to board leaky and dangerous boats to force frightened people to go back to another country that doesn’t want them, to homes that likely no longer exist, knowing that you're sending women and children who may not make it back.

This time, Tony’s gone too far -- he’s even alienating his own base as witnessed on talkback radio yesterday when commentators distanced themselves from Abbott's new approach. The Coalition are now nervously watching how this policy is playing out in the wider press, so it's crucial to get our message into papers nationwide. Can you write a letter to the editor of your newspaper now?

There's a reason this policy was tried and abandoned years ago: it costs lives. That's why experts, from the chief of the navy on down, are on the record against it. Former Navy Chief, (Ret.) Vice Admiral Ray Griggs, recently warned the Senate estimates committee how dangerous it is for navy personnel to board boats: “There have been fires lit, there have been attempts to storm the engine compartment of these boats, there have been people jumping in the water and that sort of thing.” [2]

For sailors like Able Seamen Bec Lynd, who served on board the HMAS Adelaide, it wasn't just "feeling like she was being used as a political tool and unnecessarily risking lives" that upset her,[3] it was being asked to treat fellow human beings so inhumanely. "These were humans, they're not dogs, they're not animals", she told the ABC.[4]

As Australia Day approaches we can't let this attack on our nation's core values go unanswered. Tony Abbott likes to talk tough, but he's actually putting real lives at risk by preventing asylum seekers from getting help and members of his own party are beginning to question whether this time he's gone too far.

Write your letter to the editor now, and leave no doubt that Tony Abbott's disgraceful new policy doesn't speak for you.
Donate to the full-page ad we're publishing in tomorrow's paper.

Beyond risking Australian lives, this "cowboy" approach would be a disaster for our relationship with Indonesia, who've rightly pointed out that it's illegal to send potential refugees back rather than process them according to the Refugee Convention. That's why no other country in the world has this dangerous, illegal and inhumane policy.[5] That's why we're not going to sit back quietly while Abbott pretends it's the right thing for Australia.

Let's turn this story, and the next conversation in the Coalition party room, to one of massive backlash from experts and the community at large. Please take a few minutes to write your letter to the editor or donate to our full-page ad in tomorrow's press.

Thank you for speaking up,

The GetUp Team

[1] John Howard, interview with Neil Mitchell, Radio 3AW. 17 August 2001
[2] 'Turning the boats back 'risks lives': Admiral Ray Griggs', The Australian. October 20, 2011.
[3] 'Turn the boats back and people will die - Abbott knows this', David Marr, Sydney Morning Herald. January 24, 2012.
[4] 'Leaky Boat', ABC. 07 July 2011
[5] 'Jakarta slams Abbott boat plan', Kirsty Needham, Sydney Morning Herald. January 24, 2012.



Of course nothing John Howard had to say could be trusted either. Tampa and Children Overboard, lies upon lies, Weapons of Mass Destruction, more lies, please don't present John Howard as some sort of saint. Abbott is truly wrongheaded on this, and it is nice to see people recognising that the Liberal Party platform on refugees is MUCH worse than Labour's, but don't deify Howard, the man was a racist and an opportunist who was elected on false pretenses and should be tried alongside Blair and Bush for war crimes.

I don't think GetUp is deifying Howard here. They are showing up the irony of Abbott talking even worse than racist, opportunist, falsely elected war criminal Howard.

GetUp was one of the strongest forces opposing Howard.

"the man was a racist and an opportunist who was elected on false pretenses" While John Howard is as you say, what about Gillard? "No carbon tax from the government I lead"Aussie troops still in Afghanistan fighting a war for Israel and the big Bankers,what has she dome about the ABCC? fuck all thats what and labor is ment to be for the worker bullshit.She is no better than Howard or Abbott they all lie and follow Zionist America like sheep we have two choices at a election vote for a liar or vote for a liar and that is democracy in Australia.Then if some other party threatens liberal or labor they lock the leader up in jail just ask Pauline we nearly had a democracy where there was a party that was different and would not of followed Zionist America.

So Noel cut your fucking one eyed Labor trip they are just a pack of Zionist arse licking liars

"how much you know about politics when you spell Labor as Labour".

yeah mate, good one, we can all imagine life under Pauline Hanson, if that is your answer I'll stick to my, as you say, "fucking one-eyed Labor trip."

"fools like you" and "grow a brain".

You are welcome to repost without personal insults.

An editor

"take your shit elsewhere".

An Editor of the collective

Oh and the reason I write "labour" party is because the ALP stands for working men and women, that is, labourers, I don't know why the Labour party chooses to call itself Labor but labour is the correct spelling of a persons work effort. Seriously if that is the best you've got go away.