NT waste dump update - 'Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud' exhibition needs support

By Natalie Wasley

Hi everyone, Beyond Nuclear Initiative is collaborating with photographer Jagath Dheerasekara and Muckaty Traditional Owners on a photographic exhibition titled "Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud".

The exhibition presents the country and community in the Northern Territory targeted to host a national radioactive waste dump.

Photographer Jagath Dheerasekara is of political refugee background from Sri Lanka name of picture.jpg and specialises in social documentary and social justice reportage. Jagath received the Amnesty International Human Rights Innovation Grant 2010 to begin work on this exhibition and was a finalist in the prestigious Bowness Photography Prize 2011 with this image. women with drum.jpg

The exhibition is supported by Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning (UTS), Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTaR), Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (University of Sydney) and the Australian Conservation Foundation.

As this is a grass-roots initiative, for the project to be successful we need to raise at least $5000 for completion of photo framing, production of the exhibition catalogue and travel for Traditional Owners to attend the opening in Sydney on January 16.

ds-painting_watermark.jpgMuckaty Traditional Owner Dianne Stokes is selling this gorgeous painting to raise money for the Muckaty campaign.

Please consider making a contribution as an individual or from your organisation to support this project to get off the ground and on display in cities and communities around the country. Support can be pledged from now until December 10, International Human Rights Day.

Click here for full details of the exhibition, how to make a contribution and a list of 'rewards' for each level of support.

Please contact me if you require any further information and please circulate this information widely to your family, friends and networks.

Natalie Wasley
Beyond Nuclear Initiative coordinator

Beyond Nuclear Initiative
0429 900 774


Before reading this article, I was not aware of Photographer Jagath. I searched him on the net, and got a lot of info about him. The exhibition which he is presenting, is really helpful. As it supports the noble cause, i request all to join in this and promote it. As this exhibition is for Human sake.

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