Occupy Melbourne back in the Treasury Gardens tonight

On November 2nd, after the 12th General Assembly of Occupy Melbourne it continues its travel around the CBD last Saturday to RMIT and then the State Library it is now hopefully settling into to its new home at the Treasury Gardens. Will the State allow its citizens to freely assemble and discuss how to create a fairer, more peacful and sustainable world? Time will tell. The following Facebook message was posted by OM tonight

"The park is safe; the police are being cool. It's going to be a fun night in Treasury Gardens for Occupy Melbourne!"

Before reachinig the Treasury Gardens Occupy Melbourne returned to its original home at the City Square for its 12th GA. There are plans for GA's in the City Square every Wednesday.



Stay there - I'll get there when I can.

I understand that General Assemblies are held every day where there is an occupation - so the next one is at 6pm tomorrow at City Square...

The February 15, 2003 anti-war protest was a coordinated day of protests across the world expressing opposition to the then-imminent Iraq War.

In Melbourne the number of demonstrators went up to 200,000. This should have been the time to call for occupy Melbourne!

Occupy Melbourne and Sydney instead of occupy Iraq. Occupy Melbourne until Howard rescind sending troops to Iraq. Maybe we could have even ousted Howard.

What a lost opportunity!

Great! stay there for fucks sake, we will be there soon...