Occupy Melbourne: Corporate Scumbags Tour

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Friday, October 21, 2011 -
5:00pm to 6:30pm
Contact Email: 
Contact Name: 
Sam Salvidge
Occupy Melbourne @ City Square

Everyone knows about the Arts Centre spire and Melbourne's laneways, but did you also know Melbourne is home to some of Australia's biggest corporate scumbags?

Join us on a march through the CBD visiting the worst offenders. Who's your nomination? Is it a company who attacks their workers, or a company that makes billions by trashing our environment? Or a CEO who pays themselves millions while outsourcing your jobs?

Should we visit the Commonwealth Bank, where CEO Ralph Norris banked $16.16m of your money last year? Or Leighton Holdings where Wal King walked away with up to 30 million on his way out the door?

Find out this Friday at 5:00 pm, starting at the Occupation in the City Square


Corporate Scumbags Tour: A march through the CBD
When: Friday 21 October, 5:00 pm to 6:30
Where: Commencing at the occupation, City Square (cnr Collins and Swanston). Concluding at Parliament House (where we will protest Baillieu's anti-worker and pro-corporate policies!).



Hi Guys,

Am I allowed to join your protest against Corporate Scumbags? Just not sure I am allowed to as I would hate to think I am the only one protesting in my Nike sneakers and taking happy snaps on my new iPhone 4S (it is really awesome, you should try it). Bonus, we will be near a telstra tower, full bars for everyone. I may have to drop past the nab and take some cash out from the ATM so I can buy some pepsi to give me the energy to protest and in style with my diesel jeans.

Is that cool? I doubt I would be the only one there with a swoosh on my feet and an apple in my pocket?



Dean if you want to take part in the protest you will have to walk there because if you catch a train you will be supporting Metro we can't do that they are full of corporate greed, you cant drive there in you Holden or Ford they also are full of corporate greed,so walking is the only responsible option.
You will also have to come naked because we can not support the greedy clothing industry by wearing cloths.the clothing industry use child labour and use sweat shops to line there greedy pockets and this is the very people we are protesting against.
From this point on we will have to stop communicating via the internet as this also supports corporate greed I am going to smash my computer now so I am not a hypocrite, keep yours eyes peeled to the north my next message will be via smoke signal

I make protext with youse - angry to police kill dog two week ago. He nott make trouble
fight with group hate the corporate, make a stand. evryone should be at there.
come one, you will not be defeeted.
tair down walls of bad business with too much money
good luck

excellent spelling - is this why you 'hate' anyone proceeding with life?

Thats not nice