Free the Indonesian children from Australian prisons - Senators PROMISE to ask questions - October 15, 2011.

I have come to Sydney to highlight the continuing predicament of the Indonesian children languishing in Australian adult prisons. Thereabouts a dozen have been released, charges withdrawn, however there is no consistency and it is piecemeal and it has taken a tremendous toll in terms of campaigning - Indonesian Solidarity, with the support of the Human Rights Alliance, and many endorsers, are coordinating, alongside various organisations, STOP JAILING THE CHILDREN forums at University of Sydney, UNSW, and UTS.

Today, Saturday 15 October I met with Senators Sarah Hanson-Young and Lee Rhiannon and both promised that they would now raise questions about the Indonesian children in Australian adult prisons in the Senate Estimates, and soon, within a week or two. Lee Rhiannon wants to meet again, before I leave Sydney.

This is one of the worst human rights abuses in contemporary Australian history.

The Human Rights Unit of the Australian Human Rights Commission is listening and finally they are soliciting age disputes to present to the Attorney General.

The news media has highlighted the predicament however the government continues to pass the buck or stay silent - I have met with the Prime Minister on the issue and she has done nothing other than remain complicit in allowing for this human rights abuse to continue. Similarly Rudd's office promised much and delivered nothing.

Today we highlighted the predicament, among other injustices, at the two rallies in Sydney, including the OCCUPY movement in Martin Place (now Liberty Square, and where we remain - till I fly out and excepting for events I have to attend) - and thousands more need to know, including more news media.

We are heading to Indonesia to compile as much court admissible evidence to free as many as possible. This should have been the government's job however they are both negligent and racist. The burden of proof in ascertaining age beyond a reasonable doubt was always the Commonwealth's and should never have been displaced to the defendants.

Julia Gillard is concerned that the Indonesian children are a scandal in waiting and hence Gillard and Bowen would prefer to pass the buck, which means 13, 14 and 15 years are incarcerated in adult prisons with murderers, sex offenders, paedophiles and hardened criminality.

At least the 14 year old boy in Bali is within the appropriate jurisdiction and is acknowledged as a minor however the 100 children on our shores are in the wrong jurisdictions and their mental state and lives are at stake.

Gerry Georgatos - 0430 657 309


Gerry let's hope you are right about these Senators.