It is high time for the media to do its job properly and break the silence on 9/11

As of today 1,550 Professional Architects & Engineers, including the architect Jan Utzon the son of Jørn Oberg Utzon the architect of the Sydney Opera House, and 12,907 supporters including A&E students, ( ) have signed a petition demanding a true investigation into the 9/11 terrorist attacks. So did many other Professional bodies. It is becoming critical for the Media to follow suit and break the silence and be true to authentic Journalism by dealing seriously with this important subject.


Yes, and the Easter Bunny is real.

Anyone who believes this kind of rubbish needs to start using their grey matter a bit more.

The world trade centre had a external structure of steel for strength, not lift shafts like most buildings,once the planes went through the buildings, and we all saw that, the integrity of the structure was compromised and could not hold the weight of the floors above and down it came boom boom boom as it started collapse floor by floor into its own foot print.
Tower 7 is another story can't work that one out but don't have enough information.
Israel was there "To film the event" is what the Mosad agents said on Israeli TV interview after the we released by the NYPD they were caught filming it they had cameras set up ready to go this footage has never been released , they knew it was going to happen through their intelligence but did not share all the information only a little bit with America.
Something shifty went on that day but the world trade centre fell because of the planes that hit it.