Occupy Sydney - Hyde Park Rally

Date and Time: 
Saturday, October 15, 2011 -
2:00pm to 5:00pm
Hyde Park Elizabeth Street Sydney, Australia

In the USA, people are getting fed up with the government and corporations screwing them over. In response, a small group set out to squat on Wall Street. Barred from that, they have occupied a nearby park. At first only a few hundred, the occupation hasn't disbanded, and has been growing. Now, other cities in other states have joined in. Hell, even Glasgow, in Scotland has!

But here in Australia we have out own shit to deal wi...th, and our own demands. In NSW the state government has just fucked over public sector workers, and we can be sure they will try to push the same industrial relations reforms on private sector workers. At the same time, the federal Labor government, which won power from John Howard back in 2007 based on complete and utter revulsion at the Coalition's WorkChoices reforms, only tinkered around the edges, with the result being dubbed 'WorkChoices lite' by workers around the country. Not stopping there in its disregard for Australian workers, the ABCC, the anti-union police, have not been removed from office or stripped of their ASIO powers. Homosexual marriage is still denied by the ALP, despite having a gay cabinet minister, Penny Wong, who's partner has recently given birth to their first child. Not content with the barbarism of the Howard Government's refugee policy, the ALP has made it even more cruel, even seeking to deport refugees to Malaysia. Our list of grievances is damn near endless!



Whats more disgusting is that these morons via a tribunal want more money and will say well it wasn't our decision but the tribunals yet they could stand up and say no ???

Do they deserve more money, I doubt it

I voted in KR not the red head and should have been given the right to vote him out not have him back stabbed like Caesar

I think everyone should write to the PM expressing their disgust at the idea when everyone else has to survive on meager CPI increases they talk about doubling their pay packets.

Doubt the need for an Australian Democracy?

Remember, we were, we 'are' part of this, and as such need now become part of the 'solution':



That's the tip of the ice burg...

We to start address our real, 'common' challenges in this world. This movement for love, solidarity and 'democracy' is a necessary one for the future of our planet, youth and lover of life.


The public servants are seriously overpaid. We can't afford to keep increasing their salaries because ultimately the private sector has to pay for it and they can't afford it. In the regional areas, a public service job typically pays twice the equivalent private sector position.

You have been duped! Only the highest levels of public servants ie Agency Heads are getting paid heaps. Wake up and ask your local school teacher how much she gets paid.

The costs of the public service are caused by an overinflated Senior Executive Service and an inappropriate number of Executive Level staff. If there were half the chiefs, you could hire twice as many APS level staff on the ground administering the programs. These staff earn a reasonable wage with good conditions for their work.

i get paid 20-30k less then what i would get in the private sector. i do the job because i believe in the organisation. your welcome.

i've been in the state/federal public sector for about 8 years, while there is the odd lazy bastard the vast majority of inefficiency is a direct result of management.

This should be the goal of the Occupy movement and the entire world. Please make any additions or comment. Thanks. http://globalmutiny.blogspot.com/2011/10/to-people-of-world-revolution.html

This should be the goal of the entire movement and the world... http://globalmutiny.blogspot.com/2011/10/to-people-of-world-revolution.html

Just love the quote in that vid:"Anyone can make money out of the crash". Sums it up really, banks and corporations are more powerful than Governments, and Wall Street has the politicians by the short and curlies.

I think if you make this about workchoices, or refugees, you will turn off a lot of people. The American movement is NOT ABOUT SOCIAL ISSUES.


Focus on that, and you will have support from all parts of the middle and lower class. Once you raise refugees, for example, you will lose half of western sydney and northern melbourn and you will lose all credibility if you then claim to represent 99%.

Similarly, right wing causes should be avoided.

Be not political, but remember, this is about people vs govt and big interests of all persuasions.


DEMAND: Nationalise the reserve bank
We want our Australian National bank back! We do not need a central reserve bank that is sucking our country dry just like the federal reserve bank in the USA. The reserve bank is a private institution linked to the ‘too big to fail’ off shore banks. BRING BACK A PUBLIC BANK FOR THE PEOPLE>


DEMAND: The private reserve bank has no right to be printing our money and bringing us into more debt. The government should be in charge!

DEMAND: End the Carbon tax which is a lie based on junk science that is going to rob Australians blind. Cut back on carbon don’t off set it and charge the masses!!!!! The carbon tax is only about corporate land grabbing and raising revenues by taxing the masses.
Anonymous-To-The-People-Of-Australia – YouTube

There is a planning/discussion meeting on tomorrow at 6pm at the UTS main building in the front lobby/front foyer area. This is so we can Occupy Sydney this Saturday. It is on 1 Broadway St Sydney 2000. Just before and next to Railway Square on the same road as Parramatta Rd that turns into George st. Paid Parking should be available around 6pm surrounding streets and the Central Station car park. Search Occupy Sydney on Facebook for details.