Boycott Max Brenner - protest in Newtown

Date and Time: 
Saturday, September 10, 2011 -
1:00pm to 3:00pm
Meet outside the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre (just across the road from Newtown station) to march to Max Brenner on King street and then to the ‘I have a dream’ mural.

Max Brenner is owned by the Strauss Group which proudly proclaims its support for the Israeli military, the enforcers of Israel's dispossession & oppression of the Palestinian population. Max Brenner has become the symbol of the campaign for Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid in Australia.

Disturbingly, at the last BDS protest in Brisbane, the Zionists organised a counter-protest where they stood shoulder to shoulder with members of the Australian Patriotic Defense Movement - a group linked to the fascist English Defense League

While the media and politicians have been trying to delegitimise BDS by comparing it with the Nazis, the real Nazis are standing with the supporters of Israel against Palestinian human rights. This only emphasises further the need for as many supporters of Palestine as possible to come to this Saturday's rally.

Max Brenner is no longer neutral. Choosing to protest or purchase at Max Brenner is a political act. At 1pm on Saturday September 10, come and show what side you are on! Don't forget to click attending on the Facebook event >>> RALLY - You can't sweeten apartheid! Boycott Max Brenner!



Let the Zionist Nazis have it!

Israel is not an apartheid state you can worship freel no matter what your religion.In fact Bahaiis ahmadis etc are freer in Israel than in most Arab countrys.Arab Israelis can do virtually anything that Jews do plus they do not have to do millitary service.Israeli arab youth have better opporunities in Israel than most arab countrys.There are five times more arabs in gaza and the west bank now than pre 48.The signs in Israel are in arabic as well as hebrew as are all currencys stamps legal documents etc.Arabsare free to use public transpor swimming pools movie theatere to fish swim etc i can assure you it is definately false that Israel is an apartheid state far from it.
Arabs in Israel have better living conditioins a higher axpected life expectancy and better food education and prospects than just about any other arab country.Can you build a synagogue or church in mecca ?Can Jews and christians freely practise out in the open in most arab countrys.Let us boycott Turkish Egyptian Syrian Lebanese Iranian Iraqi Afghani Malaysian Indonesian businesses in Australia nah just joking.It is ok to protest for a cause but make sure you know the real facts before falsely accusing the only democracy in the middle east.Israel is not perfect but hell what country is.Also remember America Britain France Germany Holland Belgium Japan Australia South America have all either ben settled or have settled lands where they have absolutely nothing binding them to these countrys .Jews have lived in the land of Israel for over five thousand years it is their ancestral hiome which they have been linked to and never forgotten.The palestinians were mainly Jews check who the Palestinians were that fought for the Brtitish.Ther ehas never been a palestinian sate government currency national flag language etc but there has been a land of Israel with monarchs etc you cannot change or falsify the truth.I bet this will not be published as the left refuses to see the truth.