FIND! FALCONIO - Dead or Alive


TEN years ago on 14 July 2001, the British tourist Peter Marco Falconio disappeared in the Northern Territory of Australia. Reports say he was driving a VW Kombi to Darwin with his girlfriend. It is documented they had been arguing and that she had assaulted him. Falconio vanished not far from Barrow Creek just over 300 kilometres north of Alice Springs.

It is said this so-called girlfriend Joanne Lees has a personality disorder. After the disappearance, she acted bizarrely and also told inconsistent and improbable stories. Officials concluded Falconio was executed by Bradley Murdoch, but there is no proof. Mixed animal and human blood found at the purported crime scene confirms that scene was staged.
It is believed Falconio might now be living in the Abruzzo region of Italy.

No hard evidence confirming a longhaired medium-build perpetrator,
a Western-style handgun, a blue heeler dog, a white vehicle, or a body has ever been presented by any person at any time. Highly significant concerns (see:; 4 & 10 October 2006) raised about Lees and her lack of a credible alibi have still not been resolved to this day.

In 2005, dubious circumstantial evidence was used to convict Murdoch and imprison him for 28 years without parole. Alleged DNA evidence had characteristics of being concocted − a widespread police practice. It was a show trial set up by officials of the Northern Territory to ensure a conviction. This has prompted condemnation, particularly about the way jurors were chosen from a contaminated jury pool and the judicial manipulation of that jury. That the questionable Lees was turned into a superstar witness for the Crown was unethical and is highly suggestive.

Internationally notorious for its Chamberlain-case fiasco in the 1980s, the Northern Territory failed again in the Falconio case to conduct an ethical, truth-based trial. Another gross miscarriage of justice exists.

Witnesses and evidence not revealed at that trial have been detected. It is clear the official narrative is inaccurate and incomplete, and without the whole truth there is no justice. Facts never made public appear in the 500-page book FIND! FALCONIO − Dead or Alive (see: abebooks, amazon, etc.) A referenced work by Keith Allan Noble (, it urges readers to find Peter Marco Falconio.

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A free copy of this book is availble from the author. Email for the pdf file from Keith Allan Noble.

I seen Falconio with Elvis and Osama in Brazil.

Hey Guy Is this an early April fools joke or just a cruel thoughtless way to torture this mans parents further?
Free book? Not surprised it is free, who would pay money to read another bunch of conspiracy balony.

The second edition of FIND! FALCONIO - Dead or Alive: Concealing Crimes in Northern Territory, Australia (2012) has been released. (see; free pdf file