Rally for Marriage Equality Sydney

Date and Time: 
Saturday, March 19, 2011 -
1:00pm to 3:00pm
Sydney Town Hall

Marriage Equality and lifting the ban on same-sex marriage was one of the biggest issues of 2010! We made that happen by demonstrating in our tens of thousands all across Australia demanding equal rights.

We have come so far, but we havent crossed that finish line yet. Community Action Against Homophobia in Sydney and Equal Love in other states has called for more demonstrations to continue to push for full equality.

Be part of making history. Be part of the campaign for equal marriage rights in Australia.

For more information go to www.caah.org.au or www.equallove.info

And please join the campaign group for information about all events until we win! http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_125136990880370



Marriage is for man and woman.Thats what marriage is about if you want to spend your life with a person of the same sex call it a civil union or what ever else you want don't hijack the word marriage it belongs to heterosexuals not homosexuals go start your own club marriage is ours.when homosexuals can have children naturally you will be treated equal in marriage but until then your shit out of luck .the majority is sick of the minority telling us what to do.

the majority support gay marriage and yes we are sick of homophobes telling us what to do.

thabks to the big powerful gays in media all we see is gay sex and relations on tv and do we care who you want to sleep with and show off yourselves in the gay parades each year - no we do not.
the silent majority of decent hardworking people do not give a shit about your wish to marry. go to canada and get married and stay there. there are people being bombed in afghanistan soldiers dying there, people starving in africa, children being abused everyday, global natural disasters killing and displacing thousands of people - how do you rate on that scale 0.0 do we give a f..k no so just shut the f..k up and stop whinging , who you choose to screw around with is your problem and not a major national issue and no way you should ever be allowed to marry because the day you make it law it will be the beginning of the end of our civilisation.
we are sick of your grandstanding and highjacking real community rights and your lies about discrimination, you abuse our rights to keep marriage sacred and assault and barrage family values continually in every way you can with this crap. get a life and get lost.

"Kelly" says "when homosexuals can have children naturally you will be treated equal in marriage". So I guess when heterosexuals don't have children, they can't call it marriage either. And those that are unable to have children should also be refused marriage. And to be sure, we should of course withhold marriage until the heterosexual couple have actually had a child, in order to prevent the unthinkable horror of a childless marriage - the "hijack" of the word marriage. This is the ultimate conclusion of "Kelly"'s argument. And it's patently ridiculous, as any thinking person would agree.

"Kelly"'s pseudo argument is merely an attempt to hide hatred. Thank God that haters are in the minority; I'm sick of those minorities telling us what to do.

Dont thank God remember what he did in the land of Sodom, God is Homophobic too. Today 84% of people in Australia with AIDs are male Homosexuals and you still think there is nothing with anal sex you must be the dumbest group of people on Earth. I wonder if you can call God Pedophobic because he hates child molesters it's just as dumb a word as Homophobic

This is not crossing the finish line, this is just the beginning of the end.
Gay union under the laws of the land have the same rights as everyone else in the community as a defacto union.
marriage was instutited between one man and one woman at one time , by definition by the creator God.
so it should be up to the creator to change that.
Guess what? GOD CHANGES NOT.
the creator clearly states in the bible what is lawful union and what is not.
your union is unlawful in God's eyes, yet he permits you to continue to live your life in freedom and you are doing this against God?
You will meet your reward, for God will never be mocked, what a man soweth, so shall he reap.
God is long suffering that all men shall come to repentance.
Your movement will be responsible for legalising peadophilia one day,destroying the lives of innocent children.
stand for what is right in this world.
Whoever supports your foolishness will suffer God's wrath along with yourselves.

brad you have the issues not kelly. she is defending the institution of marriage - a union between one woman and one man at one time. being gay is your choice,so come on out then and be vocal and be free. dont be a hypocrite like so many other gays are,who according to (pseudo)scientific data about gayness knew they wanted to have dirty smelly bumholes instead of vag's for sex as soon as they had there first erections, therefore they knowingly decieved there family and friends by marrying the opposite sex, using them to have kids,confusing and teaching deceit to their offspring, whom they only had to carry on their family name, then turning off and rejecting their spouse whilst secretly screwing other gays and bi gays because they still lust and burn for other gays and bigays in hiding, causing a much enfuriating spouse to divorce their stupid ass'. dont spread aids and diseases to your innocent spouse and dont decieve society, your colleagues and your kids. keep your diseases to your own kind - be a single minded proud and strong gay. then see how far you go with marriage, then you may be respected and listened to you hypocrite.
until then you are no better than an adulterous hetro spouse sleepping with other prostitutes or a con artist and you should stay in your closet.
kelly we support your attitude and your one strong person stay that way despite what these fool's rant on about.

kelly in no way at all are we telling you what to do, rather it is you who is telling us what to do.

plus your argument rests on the idea of marriage being about having children. which seems like willful ignorance to be honest

and finally, the ability to have children naturally has to do with sperm and eggs and wombs, not homosexuality or heterosexuality...

hey jack here's jill talking to ya then you are one moron just like brad too. kelly means than marriage is between a man and a woman, with the potential of having kids. a dick and a bumhole can never produce offspring neither can a finger and a vagina, so it stands to reason that humans can only survive through heterosexual union. Homosexuality is unnatural and de-evolution for those God less souls out there.