Dawn raids see pro-Palestine activists arrested


Dawn raids see pro-Palestine activists arrested

Police demand activists be held in custody for weeks

Raids carried out at dawn this morning by police have seen several pro-Palestine activists arrested, in the most severe crack-down on civil liberties in decades. The activists are being targeted because of their involvement in protests against chocolate shop Max Brenner, a chain store with strong ties to the Israeli military. The protests are part of the worldwide Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaign, which aims to draw attention to the ongoing genocide committed by the Apartheid regime in Israel against Palestinians.

Campaign organiser Omar Hassan:

“This crack-down on the right to protest should be of concern to all Victorians. The lengths to which the Baillieu government is going to eradicate criticism of Israeli Apartheid and criminalise dissent are unprecedented. We need to be clearly saying; demonstrating is not a crime. Taking action in support of Palestine is not a crime.”

The activists were arrested for breaching bail conditions imposed following arrests at a previous pro-Palestine protest at Max Brenner. The bail conditions, which prohibit arrestees going within 50 metres of a Max Brenner shop, are themselves a serious curtailment on the right to protest. The arrestees have been told they will be held until September the 5th.

As Hassan points out:

“Actions taken against South African businesses by anti-Apartheid protests were important in generating opposition to that racist regime. To outlaw similar actions today can only be motivated by a desire to protect the reputation of Israel, and represent an unacceptable attack on our right to express dissent and show solidarity with oppressed people around the world.”

For more information about the arrests and on-going BDS campaign, contact:

Omar Hassan: 0421185037

Louise O’Shea: 0420819419

Or go to http://boycottisrael19.wordpress.com/

Snap action called for August 10th at Magistrates Court


Please correct your facts before commenting, as I am sure you could be sued.

There is no apartheid in Israel for starters, so where you come up with such tripe is beyond me.

As for being arrested..well They knew what their bail conditions were, so tough luck. I heard an interview with one of them, who was boasting that he had breached them.

No Apartheid in Israel? Well, then, the Law of Return must apply to Palestinians too. Israeli law must be used in the, ahem, Occupied Territories instead of British martial law. And Arabs should have proportional representation in the Likud. And there are no laws demonstrating preference to Jewish law over that practiced by a Muslim and Christian minority. But the fact that these and hundreds of other laws and practices *do* exist rather contradicts your clownish assertion. Of course Israel is an Apartheid state.

There is nothing the same about the South African issue and the Israeli/Palestine debate.
I was personally discussed when I heard Palestinan protesters in Sydney (Parramatta protest) start chanting death to Israel, then death to Jews.
BDS has a major problem, most Australians don't care about Palestine, Hamas and all the other Extremist groups, Australians don't like outside Flags being flown in protest in Australia. The Extrem Left needs to stop getting young Australians arrested over issues that are more complex than what people understand.
If you think you have the right to freedom of expression, try giving the same right back to the people that protest against you.

Equating Israel's Palestinian policies and actions to South Africa's apartheid regime is unfair - Israel's actions are far worse.

Viva Palestina!

Jamie, it is people like you that give Australians a very bad name, you need to read alot more about history and the truth before you make statements like yours.
If you need a reading list I can send you one.

Sergio, would you be able to post your reading list on this thread please?


Max Brenner Chocolates has ties to the Israeli military?

That is fantasy - as is much of the drivel in your posting.

The deputy speaker of the Israeli parliament (Ahmed Tibi) is an Arab who very vocally supports a Palestinian state, and was one of the terrorist Arafat's advisors.
Is that Apartheid?

On the other hand, the Palestinian Authority forbids sale of land to Jews on penalty of death! The Palestinians want their state "Judenrein" as Hitler put it. THAT is apartheid!

The strauss group owns Max Brenner chocolate which removed it's English language support of the IDF on the Strauss group web site in October 2010 due to pressure from DBS activists but the Hebrew language still supports the IDF today, translated to English it says "we see a mission and a need to continue to provide our soldiers with support...We have adopted the Golani reconnaissance platoon for over 30 years" So for you to say it is fantasy that Max Brenner Chocolate has ties with the IDF is just a out right Lie are you trying to hide something or are you playing the victim again?Please look up the Strauss Group web site and see for yourself I am sure you can read Hebrew.
Here is a web site with companies to Boycott because they support the Israeli Death machine

Jamie mate...you don't have clue

There is no apartheid in Israel. All citizens have the same rights, more than this country if you really want to know

Everyone has the same access to medical needs and education.

The Arab population of Israel is about 20% of the total.

There have been Israeli Arab members of the Knesset ( Israeli parliament) since the first Knesset elections in 1949.Currently there are 14.

Does that sound like apartheid to you ?

Arab journalist: Gaza's problem is not Israel

A journalist for Egypt's Al-Ahram daily newspaper confirmed what a small handful of Western reporters have had the integrity to reveal of late: that Gaza really isn't under siege, and that any oppression felt by local Palestinians is caused by fellow Arabs, and not Israel.

In stark contrast to regular Western media reports of widespread deprivation and destitution in Gaza, Ashraf Abu al-Houl reported that "a sense of absolute prosperity prevails, as manifested by the grand resorts along and near Gaza's coast."

Al-Houl also wrote that "the sight of the merchandise and luxuries filling Gaza shops amazed me." Not only that, but al-Houl quickly discovered that most goods can be bought in Gaza for much cheaper than in Egypt because in Gaza "supply is much greater than demand."

As a select few Western journalists have dared to report, that fact brought al-Houl to the realization that Israel's limited embargo against the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip "is formal or political, not economic." In other words, Israel is not causing an economic or humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

However, there is widespread poverty in Gaza, but it is the product of corruption and a wide gap between the "haves" and "have-nots."

Al-Houl interviewed political activist Mustafa Ibrahim, who noted that around 20 percent of Gazans control nearly all the wealth in the territory, and nearly all of them are affiliated closely with the ruling Hamas movement. The wealthy Gazans invest heavily in the leisure industry and spend lavishly, while charging outrageous fees for basic luxuries like visiting local beaches.

Among the rest of the population, unemployment is approximately 45 percent, and those are the Gazans constantly featured by the Western media as the products of so-called "Israeli oppression."

The world's reaction to those media reports is to flood Gaza with even more humanitarian aid, which goes through the hands of the wealthy, and ultimately just makes them richer, while the poor get poorer.

Israeli officials have alluded to this situation in the past when they warned that while there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza today, the international community may actually create one by playing into the hands of the territory's corrupt elite class.

This headline should really read 'Dawn raids see Left wing law breakers arrested'. The arrests were made because bail conditions were broken and in this democratic country when laws are broken the person(s) that break them are called to account,

The Headlines should read 'Dawn raids destroy Israel with Nuclear bombs'What peace the world would have then

Your reporting loses credibility when it resorts to wild allegations, such as accusing Israel of an ongoing genocide against the Palestinians and being an apartheid state.
If Israel were conducting a genocide, how is it that the Palestinian population has multiplied at least fourfold since Israel was established?
As for the apartheid slur, it is an insult to those who genuinely suffered under apartheid South Africa, whereas every citizen of Israel - Arab, Christian, Jewish - has the vote.

Vic Alhadeff# CEO, NSW Jewish Board of Deputies

Vic your just the man I want to talk to, can you clear up some questions about Jewish people I'm not sure what I have read is true or not and would like to hear a Jewish point of view. I mean no offence but will ask you straight.your time to answer all the questions would be greatly appreciated.
1.Did the Jewish Russian man Genrikh Yagoda kill more Christians than Hitler kill Jews?

2.Did the IDF sexually abuse Palestinian children as reported by Israels YnetNews on 10th september 2010?

3.Were there Rabbis in America arrested for trafficking Human Organs? if so were the organs from Palestinian people killed by the IDF?

4.The Jerusalam post reported on the 27th of may 2003 that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered the Ministry of Justice to draft legislation denying automatic Israeli citizenship to children of mixed Israeli-Palestinian parents living in Israel is this true?

5.Does Israel have Nuclear weapons? if so are they illegal?

6.Has Israel broken 225 United Nations Security Council Resolutions more than any other country on Earth?

7.Does the Talmud and the Zohar say the sexual intercourse of a non Jew is like that to a beast (Sanhedrin 74b Tosephoth )?

8.Who blew up the ship Patria in 1940 carrying 1900 jewish people off the coast of Palestine? and who blew up the ship Stromanear near Turkey carrying 770 jewish people in 1942 was it Jewish people?

9.Was it jewish people that first hijacked a civilian airliner belonging to Syrian airlines in 1952 if so why?

10.Do you think the Israeli settlements built on Palestinian land are illegal?

Vic if you have read this far I would like to thank you for taking the time, these are questions and accusations that are thrown around in this debate and would love to hear what you have to say so I can get a balanced view.

Regards Dan Mathews

Vic can you tell me if you agree with any of these speeches from some of Israels most prominent people , and do they reflect the views of Jewish people in Australia?

Apart from ethnic Middle Eastern's no other sane or insane individual has an excuse for supporting this left wing cause. The tripe that you people chant in the streets would be laughable if it were not reminiscent of the late 1930's in Germany. How can anyone other than partisan Palestinians who wrongly believe that Israel is an apartheid state, when it is the only democracy in the region and possibly the most robust one in the world. Arabs, Christians and any one else have equal rights in all aspects of life in Israel, whereas in Palestinian controlled Gaza woman and children are used as shields for terorists who spend the 5 billion in glbal aid they've been given on their own war mongering needs instead of building a sustainable society. The reason palestinians in the streets of Gaza and West Bank are anti Israel is because they are fed lies in schools that preaches hatred and destruction and prolongs disharmony through the generations. The trouble with the Palestinians and the gullible unwashed students and socialist lefts who support them is that its far easier to blame someone else for your own problems instead of getting off your arse and building something of your own.

How come you aren't demonstrating against Jordan which is by far the larger part of what used to be called Palestine. I don't see any Jordanians calling themselves palestinians and sending missiles into the capital.


Retired IDF Major General Shlomo Gazit and President Jimmy Carter also describe Israel as a apartheid state as far as I know they are not partisan Palestinians read more here www.mondoweiss.net/2011/07/israel-maintains-an-apartheid-regime-israel-g...

Henry I think the web site you are after is www.mondoweiss.net/2011/07/israel-maintains-an-apartheid-regime-israeli-... with People like Vic and Mark who just insult people for telling things the way they are it is no wonder Peace evades Palestine and I agree with President Jimmy Carter and the IDF Major General Israel is an apartheid state.

what can you say but Israeli pigs!What about Ariel Sharon saying Jews run America?