Scherger Hunger Strike ENDS. Canberra Officials promised them some hope.

Ten minutes ago the Six Day Scherger Detention Centre Hunger Strike by up to 100 Hazara folk ended.

They just called to explain that 'Canberra Officials' arrived to speak to them and ultimately promise them some hope and that they will ensure reviews and 'speed up the process'.

The Hazara folk decided that for now they will trust them and trust in Canberra's promises. Let us hope!

Some have been there for 18 and 20 months.

Gerry Georgatos.

Our Hazara folk at Scherger have said to me that they will resume hunger strikes if they have been deceived. Please scroll down:

To: Gerry Georgatos
Sent: Monday, 25 July 2011 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: Dear Friends, we are doing everything we can to support you. Take care of yourselves.

dear SIR,than k you so all the people have come back to their rooms cz a member of immigration from canbera give them some hope and also we took HOLY QURAN and ask them to finish the strike.but they are saying thaat if imigration wont do any thing we,ll set gain on strike..sir most of us are in this detention center more then

18 months.all of my friends are thank full of you.

From: Gerry Georgatos
Sent: Mon, 25 July, 2011 11:50:44 AM
Subject: Dear Friends, we are doing everything we can to support you. Take care of yourselves.

Dear Friends, tell everyone to be strong however to seek medical help if ill, if sick, and to drink water all the time. I respect that you have to protest and hunger strike and you have the support of many but please do not put your health at risk. It is wrong that there are 53 rejections of Hazara people at Scherger and we are ashamed for our country but we hope that things may change. I am letting the whole world know that you are on your 6th day of of hunger strike, that it started last Thursday 10am.

Write to me often. Take care of those who are ill. The people who fell unconscious are they now okay? Do they have medical help? Are they in the medical clinic?

Write to me and I keep my mobile phone with me all the time so if you call I will answer straight away.

There are more and more journalists who care, and more and more people who understand.

Call me always and stay strong and take care of each other. Gerry - 0430657309.

Sent: Monday, 25 July 2011 9:07 AM

Respected sir,im from scherger IDC. &a mp;a mp;n bsp; RESPECTED SIR the strike began at 10am on thursday.and it continue tell now.respected sir more people are joining the strike,now 2 people have become unconious.and yesterday2 people harm them self.respected sir only 1 time immigration had meting with them but they didnt agree the strikers.respected sir its the 5th day of strike .the situation is very worst.we are about 130 afghanis in here and 53 of us are IMR rejection.and more of us are waiting for IMR desision along time.theirs agroup of people who are waiting for IMR decision from 6 mnths.


Scherger promises they will resume hunger strike if they have been deceived. Scroll down.

To: Gerry Georgatos
Sent: Monday, 25 July 2011 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: Dear Friends, we are doing everything we can to support you. Take care of yourselves.

dear SIR,than k you so all the people have come back to their rooms cz a member of immigration from canbera give them some hope and also we took HOLY QURAN and ask them to finish the strike.but they are saying thaat if imigration wont do any thing we,ll set gain on strike..sir most of us are in this detention center more then

18 months.all of my friends are thank full of you.

From: Gerry Georgatos
Sent: Mon, 25 July, 2011 11:50:44 AM
Subject: Dear Friends, we are doing everything we can to support you. Take care of yourselves.

Dear Friends, tell everyone to be strong however to seek medical help if ill, if sick, and to drink water all the time. I respect that you have to protest and hunger strike and you have the support of many but please do not put your health at risk. It is wrong that there are 53 rejections of Hazara people at Scherger and we are ashamed for our country but we hope that things may change. I am letting the whole world know that you are on your 6th day of of hunger strike, that it started last Thursday 10am.

Write to me often. Take care of those who are ill. The people who fell unconscious are they now okay? Do they have medical help? Are they in the medical clinic?

Write to me and I keep my mobile phone with me all the time so if you call I will answer straight away.

There are more and more journalists who care, and more and more people who understand.

Call me always and stay strong and take care of each other. Gerry - 0430657309.

Sent: Monday, 25 July 2011 9:07 AM

Respected sir,im from scherger IDC. &a mp;a mp;n bsp; RESPECTED SIR the strike began at 10am on thursday.and it continue tell now.respected sir more people are joining the strike,now 2 people have become unconious.and yesterday2 people harm them self.respected sir only 1 time immigration had meting with them but they didnt agree the strikers.respected sir its the 5th day of strike .the situation is very worst.we are about 130 afghanis in here and 53 of us are IMR rejection.and more of us are waiting for IMR desision along time.theirs agroup of people who are waiting for IMR decision from 6 mnths.