Protesting Max Brenner's support for the Israeli military

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 -
5:30pm to 7:00pm
Parramatta Town Hall

Unfortunately, Max Brenner is no ordinary chocolate bar.

Max Brenner - and its owner company, the Strauss group - openly and 'proudly' support and fund the Israeli military, particularly two brigades - the Golani Brigade and Givati Brigade.

This very same military, the Israeli 'Defence' Force, consistently commits reprehensible war crimes and violates international humanitarian law in order to maintain Israel's occupation of Pales...tine and sustain its apartheid regime and organised ethnic cleansing campaign against Palestinians.

This event joins the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement - the global campaign to pressure Israel to comply with international law.

This protest aims to raise public awareness of Max Brenner's complicit role in Israel's continued violations of Palestinian human rights and to get the BDS ball rolling.

We must challenge Israel's impunity and together say a loud and resounding NO to the normalisation of Israeli apartheid across the globe.

Israeli politician Ehud Barak himself acknowledged the growing impact of the BDS movement. He said: "It will start coming at us like a glacier, from all corners."

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions - peaceful and effective resistance.

For more information about Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, visit


BRING SIGNS! Be there outside the Parramatta Town Hall, Church Street, at 5.30pm to peacefully protest, listen to speeches and march to the commuter district close to Max Brenner and Parramatta Westfield.


Invite as many people as possible! Our voices can only be heard if we have the numbers.

Students for Justice in Palestine UTS is not affiliated with any other political or religious groups, movements or organisations. Our focus is Palestinian rights and their right to enjoy freedom, equality and justice by virtue of being born human.

Racist, bigoted and discriminatory comments will not be tolerated.



What tha?

You let the cat out of the bag by inviting political and religious hate groups via your social network, then back peddle when the cat scratches back. Shame!

"Racist, bigoted and discriminatory comments will not be tolerated."

You post and/or support youtube vids calling customers or passersby, "zionists" or "palestinean blood drinkers".

.... Then try and claim the free speech and open heart card. Weak!

Let me guess, the so-called innocent protesters arrested by the police for assault at the last melee have had their day in court?

Here's hoping that Parramatta Council and Police see your peaceful protest for what it is again... and again.... and again.

Get the heat off our street!