
Date and Time: 
Saturday, June 25, 2011 -
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Flinders St Station

WHAT: A political fuckwalk

WHEN: June 25th 2pm-3pm

WHERE: Flinders St steps to Bourke St Mall
WHY: In response to the governments proposal of permanent legislation for on-the-spot fines for indecent, offensive or disorderly language

In short;
We refuse to accept that swearing is indecent, offensive or disorderly language and can be punished with a $240 on-the-spot fine. We can not rely on police to hand out these fines fairly and feel their powers will be misused and hypocritical.
We aim to decriminalize swearing, as it does not represent the majority views of Australians. The proposal is undemocratic and will not stop violence or loutish behavior in the streets.

In long;

In 2008 the state government introduced a trial for police powers to issue on-the-spot fines of $238.90 to anyone deemed by an officer to have used indecent or offensive language in a public place. Since giving police these powers the number of offences related to public behavior shot up nearly 29 per cent between 2009/2010 and 2008/2009 year with most of the 8,266 offences committed on footpaths, streets and lanes. This proves that police are taking advantage of this law and issuing fines rather non-frugally and hypocritically.

Under the definition of "public place" in the Act, swearing is illegal on any public highway, road, street or bridge.
It is also illegal in any "race-course, cricket ground, football ground or other such place"
Also out of bounds is any "wharf, pier or jetty"
Swearing is also prohibited in "any public hall, theatre or room while members of the public are in attendance".
Swearing is not permitted at "any licensed premises". Frankly, if you swear, you're fucked.

We aim to prove the difference between swearing and anti-social, offensive or violent fuckheaded behavior. In our view, violence, loutishness and fucking around like a total asshole is completely unacceptable and welcome laws to combat this. However combating swearing itself is not the answer.

RULES!!!: Just because you can swear does not mean you have to. The aim of the fuckwalk is so we can swear casually to express ourselves without punishment – not so we can swear excessively.
In no way are we condoning anti-social, aggressive or fuckhead behavior. Abusing police is absolutely not on. They are simply doing their job – governed by rules from fuckwit politicians.

Enjoy the fuckwalk responsibly and in accordance with the law.

Fuckwalk or fuck off!



The police state is here

Personally I kinda agree with the principle of the fine, I just don't trust Victorian coppers to use the power wisely - plus $238.90 is about $200 too much.

so if i stub my toe real bad and yell fuck in response and a pig hears me they can fine me 200 bux????

what the fuck?

There needs to be a community response to this type of repression. We burn down the house of any pigga that uses this law inappropriately.

If we have to live in fear of stupid shit so should they.

Hey mate just remember the Police make this place safe they don't make the rules, it's the politicians that make the rules the ones you voted in.You should be thankful of the police because I would bash a guttless prick like you that would burn someones house the only thing stopping me is I know you would run to the Police for help and they would track me down because our police are the best in the world.

Heres where my Outrageously hateful rascist National fascist rant ensues - i missed out on misogyny/religious remarks in this attempt and probably many other kinds too so appologies for that if you felt like you missed out!

what a fucking joke next time im in victoria i will be sure to intentionally make an extra conceited effort to swear my arse off at any given occasion/dime drop and then point the finger to random direction when police 180 - bah pathetic!

couldn't they just fine melbournians for their disgracefully/embarrasingly rough accent and self referencing as"melbournian" i mean how parochial can a person get - might as well start referring to yourself by the street you live on too. such grandeur delusions of eloquence and culture these Victorian MPs have. Victorian MPS need to stop their decadent fart quaffing and get real lets make all people wear helmets when they drive their cars too god dammit, fucking hell i can't help but think at this point that the kinds of people passing these ridiculous laws are the same kids that gets rushed to emergency after swallowing a bag full of marbles. What the hell is happening to our notion of Australiana?!!! swearing is practically how our fucking accent came to be! Looks like the likes of Kevin Bloody Wilson/any half decent comedian (no rove you are not included) will be out of a job in Victoria.

Maybe we are all suppose to become more like the Rolf Harris/ Barry Humphries style of comedy and spoken word and get up like they do dogging Australia to get up on the Queens dick and some how being supported by the Australian public to do so. (Call me a Nationalist - nothing makes me more proud to hear a african/asian/indian etc immigrant telling a self-righteous weight-pushing racist usually colonially obsessed poms/south-africans (usually newly immigrated and already feeling superior to the convict Australian) to get fucked in a broken Aussie accent) i have no problem with British or South Africans - but i do have the huge loathing towards the attitude that all too often is allowed to slip into our island paradise because of old antiquated colonial ties- chip on my shoulder much? totally - im from Perth - the city where there are more British passport holders than Australians like myself. fuckin oath. Anyway back to original rant - what about music and television? are these now banned in public too?
is to happen should fuck be muttered from said electronic box? or is that somekind of loop hole? is there Whats the discrepancy regarding actual pronunciation of the words?- maybe via said loophole i can just dicta-phone my insults over loudspeaker when next conversing with the popo after telling some fucking larrikan-drongo-fucking-gallah-fuckwit to fucking watchout out as they get hit by a fucking "melbournian" tram (god i hate Melbourne trams) while riding on their ironic fucking fixy bike texting twitter and facebook updates on their ipod with one hand, soy-chai-decaf-vegan-latte in the other. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck wheres my government issued nappy when i "fricking" need it - see how fucking lame that shit is?

Mother fucker,cunt,cock sucker,ass hole licker,bastard,slut,whore,slag,bitch,trollop,mole,poo jabber,cum swallower,Wanker,Fuck you,fuck it,fuck them,fuck knows,fuck off,Poofter,

Can you swear on a building sight? I mean fair suck of the sav!

It all depends on the context.If you are swearing going off you head at someone the union will kick you off site.I have just started on a union building site and the people all call you brother and are always looking out for you to make sure you are safe and they always help you if you are struggling.
The people on building sites are rough and tuff but they have manners this is union culture.