The truth about indymedia Anonymous posters

Alot of the Anonymous posters on indymedia originally had helped to set up the old anarchy BBS system & when it was first started a long time ago, did you know that it was Sydneysiders from Sydney who created the network on top of old anarchy based BBS Bulletin Board Systems. Indymedia used to be run from Lord st in St peters Sydney but now that building has been demolished & new tenants have moved in. Not to sure who runs the server anymore or where its mirrors are but a long time ago they used to be in Sydney.



ah, I was hoping this would be an explanation to the wider audience about the prolific trolls that spend their time inciting aggression and spewing forth completely untenable arguments with hate in their hearts. Funny how these trolls are unwaveringly pro-mcdonalds....

So Sean if you like McDonalds you are a troll maybe a lot of us people in Tecoma dont want a pack of do gooders pushing their views on us when McDonalds gets opened here in Tecoma you will see the place packed out then you may realize that the majority of the people do support McDonalds it is that simple.

Yes I was one of those people helping with the early foundations of Sydney Indymedia out of Lord Street and i'm trying to get in touch with whoever is now running the Sydney site but there is no contact info anywhere. So how do i make contact plse?

The Sydney Indymedia collective is not currently operationg but we hope to restart a collective soon that can run a Sydney page as part of the Australian Indymedia stie. If you would like to be part of this new collective - then please contact the Australian Indymedia site via the contact page. We need to start a new Sydney discussion list and get the Sydney page running with its own features etc Hope this happens in the not to distant future Cheers