Australians for troops out of Afghanistan

Australians for troops out of Afghanistan

The first part here is an extract dictated to me from an Australian distinguished 2nd world war veteran:
"They shouldn't be there, the Australians, the Canadians and the Americans, we went there and it's unwinnable, it's a pointless war, and our troops should come home now."
Listen to more of their voices and hear what they have to say if you want more grass roots knowledge.

Extract from Micah Sifry's "Wikileaks and the age of Transparnecy" also writes of Afghanistan an (I quote) "unwinnable war".
Australians care about individuals as well as collectives.
For any reader who is unaware: Picture this:
You join the Australian Defence Force and are given a doggie chain: everyone is.
This chain is for you to have and has your name and number on it.
If and when you die in war or 'on duty' the doggie chain is tied around your feet and around your wrists. Picture this a bit further along if you were wearing this because you went to a war which was fact "unwinnable".
Picture the huge numbers of lives lost in an "unwinnable war"
Picture the doggie chains and the the Australians families grief, the Canadian families grief and the American families grief.

The PM can take a stand yet chooses to side with America.
She has never been given a doggie chain and we wonder if she knows what one looks like. We wonder if she has considered the consequences which are already unfolding.

It's time for Australins to be courageous enough to speak up about this absurd war which is "unwinnable" and creates horrendous suffering to our fellow people here and abroad.

D.J. Cook
Australians for troops out of Afghanistan.



I'm one of the Australians for troops out of Afghanistan.
The news is disturbing and the vererans yes they do know what the prime minister does not.
Put the money into health and social welfare instead of meaningless "unwinnable" wars.

There is presently no popular support for this wars, there is little visible opposition...just war without end. There is no anti-war movement, there is an anti-war remnant. Two men, Bradley Manning and Julian Assange, look like going to jail for life - or being killed in jail - for exposing to us the brutal nature of this war.

They took these risks believing that "if only people knew" the nature of these wars they would at least talk about these about these wars, if not take risks and act against them. Since the release of WikiLeaks in relation to Afghanistan and Iraq this appears (thus far) to be a false premise in relation to us in the West to bet your life's liberty on. WikiLeaks role in the Arab Spring us another story.

Assange goes to the British High Court on July 12 and 13, there are handful of us in London presently organising solidarity. Manning has heroicly refused to break under the torture of the past 12 months, implicate Assange and make a deal with the Feds (as Lamo did who dumped Manning in jail).

"The Guardian" - the Pravda of the Liberal Left in Britain are running an "Assange is BAD, Manning is MAD" line. The anti-war, anarchist, NGO , Human Rights scenes in Britain are doing what they're told by the War Making State and the "Guardian" holding back solidarity for Assange and Manning. No surprises there the anti-war leadership (moderate and authoritarian left) have always isolated
nonviolent resisters...seeing them as competitors in an ever shrinking anti-war market.

Speak out and act up for Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and against the wars.
Keep the faith
Ciaron O'Reilly
London Catholic Worker
Pitstop Plowshares (Ireland)
Jabiluka Ploowshares (Australia)
ANZUS Plowshshare (NY/ USA)

Ciaron does it feel good to be helping the enemies economy spending money in England?your grand father will be turning in his grave!

Julian Assange is presently under British jurisdiction, before British courts. Yes I am in London organising solidarity around Assange. And your point is?

My point is you are helping the English economy by being in England your and our enemies.Why bother helping Julian Assange he did a deal with Israel notice he never reports on what is going on in Israel well anything bad the Israelis do he has the information but won't publish it,let him rot in hell don't get fooled by this scum.

Yeh now that we have turned Afghanistan and Iraq into a sess pit lets pull our troops out, that will play into the hands of Israel.We should never have gone in there in the first place but we just can't wreck countries and leave either.We must stop backing Israel and show the people of Afghanistan and Iraq we really want peace. While we turn a blind eye to Israels treatment of muslims we will always be there enemy.We need to show the people of Afghanistan and Iraq we are against Israel when we do this the general public will not need to side with the Taliban and the Taliban will loose the control they hold in Afghanistan, until we do this we are the enemy and deserve any attacks that are directed at us.