How corporate IT ripped off our technology

How corporate IT ripped off our technology

We started using computers back in the day of the commodore 64 & the IBM compatable computer, we were the ones who got the blank screens to work & do things, remember we only had blank screens to work with & the circuit boards of the computer & modems, the public were ripped off on mass, if we had our way you would only pay for the device which would be a small fee on account of mass production economics by robotics, the software interfaces were never payed for or licensed out
in our generation for they were developed by everyday intelligent people to be used by the people for free, if their was some infrastructure which had to be financed then it would be the telephone companyies responsibility & this might sum up to a small additional fee on top of the actual purchase of the device. We had download & upload ratios but we never charged anybody for this, we simply
allocated timebanks so other users could gain access to a upload or download ratio . . . . . .
Corporate IT are the new bankers & speculators, the new rip off con job . . . . . .
As usual the public invent the technology but corporate monopoly rips off the technology & fills the pockets of people with money who never deserved to receive the money.


well thats mostly just plain wrong.

however if you want free software your in luck. there are many free operating systems that are free, easy and for the most part superiour to their proprietary conterparts.

if you have never used anything but windows then you probably want to start at but there are many many options out there.

I use DOS which has a proven track work of about 50 years of research behind it, more so than any other [COS] Computer Operating System out there.


End of File, meaning this thread should be now closed

Basically profit seeking institutions and corporations want to make it "one-way" FOR their interests and AGAINST fully freely interactive individuals' interests.

How else could they find profits [ someone elses debt ] and grow ?

Acquisition, competition, and imposition the timeless tools used.

You fucken cunt

Their was a time when people could download or upload as much data as they wanted to any computer on planet earth via a local telephone call, this all changed when corporate IT monopolised the availabilty of knowledge & attached costly charges to gain access to any form of knowledge.

yeah i remember the good oll days transferring petabytes over granny's 1200-baud acoustic coupler. and it was all for free! for free!