Film Screening - Cinema Politica Frankston - Palestine / Israel Evening

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 -
6:30pm to 10:30pm
Contact Email: 
Image icon bartistepalestineflyer.jpg96.19 KB
Contact Name: 
Sean Bozkewycz
B'artiste Bar and Lounge, Frankston -

Our second ever Cinema Poliica ( film screening in Frankston!

This week we seek to address the confusion and misinformation that tends to surround the Palestine \ Israel conflict.

With the Marrickville, NSW, council's attempt to implement the global boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israeli apartheid leading a cascade of media coverage, this is the perfect time to get your head around the Palestinian Nakba.

'Occupation 101' will kick off proceedings, a 90 minute film that takes us from the origins of Israel to current times explaining some of the finer details and nuances that make this such a complex conundrum.

'Palestine Trilogy' is 75 minutes over three short films focusing on history, land and hope, filling in the details and expanding on some themes not dealt with explicitly in 'Occupation'.


Background briefing - click the links to read Al Jazeera and Green Left Weekly articles

Recently, the 63rd anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba was marred by all-too-common IDF violence – 21 killed and more than 200 injured.

Earlier, Israeli PM Netanyahu condemned Palestinian unity between Fatah and Hamas as ‘a tremendous blow to peace and a great victory for terrorism’. Recently released ‘Palestinian Papers‘ show that the Oslo peace process was specifically designed to harm relations between the groups.

Previous to that, Marrickville Council in NSW, sister city to Bethlehem in the West Bank, made headlines by endorsing the Global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid. The Greens Mayor who led the motion to adopt the BDS was viciously smeared by politicians and media, receiving death threats and arguably costing her re-election.

Israel receives more US Aid than all other recipients combined, most of which comes as military aid in contracts for US arms manufacturers. Israel also happens to be the only other nuclear state in the region beside Pakistan. The US regularly vetoes UN resolutions condemning Israel’s violent, illegal occupation of Palestine lands.

And yet, if we are to listen to our leaders and our media, we should not worry too much about the 1400 Palestinians killed in 2008 or those killed it the much publicised IDF raid on an aid ship.

Much to discuss @ Cinema Politica Frankston @ B’artiste! Join us on the 25th of May for two films.


Sean after reading all your other dick head posts on indymedia I read this one.
Well done their is hope for you after all, you are forgiven keep on spreading the word on the pig Israelis.

Thanks for your kind words Doug, although you forgot the lid of my compliment sandwich!

dick head posts

Seems we may have more in common that it first appeared; perhaps we can discuss our areas of difference in future instead of resorting to childish insults?


Sean forget about our differences we need to deal with the matter at hand what can we do to stop the Zionist pig terrorists and what can I do to help.Our Government are Pro Israeli no matter what they do our Government can see no wrong and if they do see wrong they turn a blind eye.Do we need to raise money to arm up the Palestinians?Do we need to boycott all pro Israeli businesses in Australia?Sometimes I think we need to run all the Zionists out of Australia or treat them like second class citizens like they do to all non jews in Israel but then I think we can't do that we would be as bad as them or Hitler.
It's good you are spreading the word but the Israeli Government are that arrogant they don't care what the rest of the world think of them it wont stop them.
Is violence the only way to treat Violence?
I am desperate for ideas can you help?. Israel has to be stopped they pose more of a threat to the world than Global warming does.