Queensland quarry a horror scenario

A monster quarry soon to start operating in picturesque country behind Queensland’s Sunshine Coast is greatly worrying and enraging local people.

Their immediate and main concern are 40-tonne trucks with dog-trailers that will run every six to nine minutes every day bar Sunday on a narrow, winding, hilly road and pass through the centre of picturesque villages set in pristine countryside.

People fear loss of life, green lifestyle, falling business and dropping property values.

The quarry is at Kin Kin, 150 km north of Brisbane, about 40 km in from the coast.

You can access a report I’ve aired on Noosa Community Radio at http://www.4shared.com/file/228019396/f1560793/Feb_23_Noosa_Community_Ra.... A shorter web version of the show is at http://www.noosacommunityradio.org/kin-kin-quarry-a-horror-scenario/#mor.... Other voices can be accessed at http://www.4shared.com/account/dir/23304529/b76cf045/sharing.html?rnd=41.

The people to be impacted are appealing for help Australia-wide. Get in touch with their campaign manager, Robert Glen, robertjglen@gmail.com, Phone: 07 5485 4520.


In Kin Kin and the surrounding districts there are over 6,370 residents (Australian Bureau of Statistics figures). The online petition against the quarry which has been widely promoted by those against the quarry, has attracted only 437 signatures, several dozen of which are anonymous and not valid. Even without discounting those invalid entries, this is still only 6.86% of residents!
The petition presented to council recently fared even worse, only 100 signatures!
Those opposing the quarry are a noisy minority who DO NOT represent the majority of locals. The silent majority who support the quarry are too afraid to speak out for fear that they will receive one of the death threats which have been directed to myself, the land owner and several others who have been brave enough to speak out and spread the TRUTH.

Even for those people who are concerned about the road, one need only look at the improvements that have taken place since the quarry expansion was announced. An additional 300 metres of Dr Pages Rd and about 500 metres of Sister Tree Creek Road has been made MUCH wider, and sealed in the case of Dr Pages Road (something we have been waiting decades for), and on the 27-4 it was announced that $16.5 MILLION has been allocated for upgrading Kin Kin Rd at Wolvi. WHEN the quarry goes ahead the local roads (and community) will benefit enormously.

What a good opportunity for employment.
Diet I hope you are naked, live in the bush and don't drive a car, because I would hate to think you use products that come from quarries or mines, and then complain when one is built close by to reduce costs. So people like you can get their products at an affordable price.

None of my relatives fought in WW2.

My 17 year old uncle was picked up by the Nazi military police, dragged screaming for his mum from his home, given two weeks training and flown for a parachute drop into Russia, from which he disappeared never to be heard of again.

Another uncle was forced into the military and deserted, fleeing hundreds of kilometres by bicycle.

My "half-Jewish" (in their insane classification system) father was persecuted. You're not worthy to be told the details.

So was my mother for being with him (you're not worthy of knowing more).

A grandfather was forced into an unprotected spraypainting job that killed him.

I was born in 1940 and grew up hungry in ruins.

I have tons of reasons to loathe the Nazis and their neo-Nazi successors.

How despicable of you to try to tarnish my standing because I disagree with you on something altogether separate. I'm leaving your comments here to show you up and make others aware of the mentalities that skulk around our country. I will delete you wherever else I find you.

None of this has anything to do with the quarry. By your reckoning all who oppose it want to live in caves.