Audio interview with Irish Australian Ciaron O'Reilly & 3 other anti-war activists protesting this week's Queen's visit to Ireland!

LINK-"The British Queen's Visit to Ireland"- Radio Interview with Catholic Worker Ciaron O'Reilly & 3 Irish Anti-War Movement Activists.

The next ten days sees the first visit of the British monarchy to Dublin in a century. Britain still militarily occupies 6 of the northern counties of Ireland.

Ireland is constitutionally neutral. It is illegal under the Hague Convention for a beligerent force to pass through a neutral country, yet most U.S. troops that invaded and occupied Iraq in this U.S.U.K. War passsed through Shannon Airport, Ireland

Dublin is presently experiencing a security clampdown.....



16 May 2011
for immediate release

‘Radical Rosary Mystery Tour’ crosses Dublin to protest queen, Obama

FORMER members of the SAS, the Legion of Mary and the Shannon Five will be among the walkers on Monday in a ‘Radical Rosary Mystery Tour’ against the queen’s visit to Ireland.
The walking tour of Dublin, on the eve of the visit, will be led by an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe with the slogan: "No queen but Mary Queen of Heaven -- single mother, refugee, role model for a revolutionary!”
The tour will make a number of stops around the city to mark “joyful, glorious and sorrowful mysteries”, according to organiser Ciaron O’Reilly, one of the Shannon Five who damaged a US navy plane at Shannon Airport in 2003 and were subsequently acquitted by a Dublin jury.
Sites will include “sorrowful mysteries” at the Central Bank and Irish Aviation Authority, “glorious mysteries” at the statues of Jim Larkin and Phil Lynott, and “joyful mysteries” at a drug-treatment centre and among the immigrant businesses of Moore Street.
“The routine at each stop will be short reflection connecting the site to the specific ‘mystery’ and a song or a recitation relevant to the site,” O’Reilly said. “Then those who are into the Rosary can recite a decade, and those who feel uncomfortable can begin the procession to the next stop.”
Ben Griffin, who served with the SAS in Iraq and then refused a second tour of duty, will take part in the tour. Griffin now works as a volunteer at the Giuseppe Conlon Catholic Worker House in north London, and will be in Ireland as a guest of the Irish Anti-War Movement to protest the royal and US-presidential visits.
“I’ll be in Ireland to support people working for peace and independence and trying to stop the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” Griffin said. Griffin has been subject to a gag order from the British ministry of defence for speaking out against the wars.
The Radical Rosary Mystery Tour starts on Monday, May 16th, at 6pm at the Four Courts on Dublin’s north quays.

For further information contact Ciaron O’Reilly: 087 918 4552

Report from Ciaron O'Reilly in "Royal Visit Security Clampdown Dublin"

Dublin is in the middle of a 20+ million euro security clampdown for the Royal Visit (first in a hundred years), daily bomb hoaxes (so far!), pre-emptive arrests of suspected dissident Republicans (only so far!) north and south, British military occupation continues in the north of Ireland, troops deployed from there direct to Afghanistan.

Eirgri, (militant Republicans) have been running a variety of NVDA campaigns on a variety of issues (eg Banks bailout, country being handed over to I.M.F. control, now the Royal Visit etc).
I attended there face off with the police yesterday

.......where I flyered about Bradley Manning, Eirigri had hoped to occupy and establish a Peace camp in central Dublin's "Garden of Remembrance" (dedicated to those who died in the armed struggle for Irish Indepence), where the Queen is to visit in the coming daze (she and armed British security arrives in the country Tuesday), the roads around the Gardens have been closed down since Friday. Armed police ( a rarity in both Ireland and England) and Special Branch are constantly in the area, thousands of police and army in the streets and on standby for the coming week, central Dublin has a ghost town vibe about it....a lot of people avoiding the central city. Not to mention advanced parties of U.S. secret service who always prepare the way of the President wherever in his realm he deigns to grace with a visit...(pre-election irish phot op considered a must do for Obama presently...along with hi profile extrajudicial execution of the bad guy in his pyjamas a couple of weeks ago!...

In 2006, there was a riot in reponse to a "Love Ulster Parade" where the police lost control of the central Dublin for several hours,

The general sense I'm get on the streets, where I am spending a lot of time advocating for Bradley Manning (who passed through Shannon Airport Ireland, on the way to the Iraq war and military prison, Bradley's maternal grandfather was born in Dublin) is there is a lot of working and underclass resentment to the Royal Visit and acompanying high visiblity police presence everywhere in the city (Republicanism remains the popular identitiy politics of the irish working class from Celtic FC tops to th general creation myth of the nation).

The middle classes seem to have generally embraced disengagement or the Royal Visit "as a sign of progress and modernisarion". The Labour Party (led by former members of the political wing of the Official IRA/ "Stickies" are in coalition government with the party of Collins..and also some Blueshirt/ fascist connections form the '30's) have embraced the Royal Visit.

Sinn Fein in power in the north, and now pretty much the parliamentary oppostion in the south, seem generally disengaged from the visit if anything discouraging their grassroots membership form active oppostion to the visit.

The armed dissident Republicans have a developing capacity, it is thought unlikely they would try anything in the south but their Easter Message was quite broad on who they regard as "legitimate targets".

Meanwhile, the pacifist Catholic Worker today undertakes its "Radical Rosary Mystery Tour" .... "NO QUEEN...but Mary Queen of Heaven!...single mum, refugee, role model for a revolutionary!"

which is shaping up well. Our focus in the coming week is to challenge both the Queen, the U.S. Commander in Chief Obama and the ongoing complicity of the Irish government at Shannon Airport over the ongoing wars on the people of Iraq and Afghnistan and the persecution of Bradley Manning and Julian Assange for revealing the true nature of these wars with this footage and other leaked cables from U.S. embassies.

YOUTUBE (5 mins) DUBLIN M16 - CW Radical Rosary Mystery Tour *"NO QUEEN...but Mary Queen of Heaven, single mum, refugee, role model for a revolutionary!

DUBLIN M16 - Catholic Worker Radical Rosary Mystery Tour
"NO QUEEN...but Mary Queen of Heaven, single mum, refugee, role model for a revolutionary!

Remember Giuseppe Conlon...and all Victims of Empire!
Free Bradley manning and All Imprisoned War Resieters!

VIDEO - 5 mins
Filmng/ Editing by Dave Donnellan
Giuseppe Conlon Song by Joe Black
Speakers - Ben Griffin ex- S.A.S. Iraq War combat veteran
Ciaron O'Reilly Pit Stop Ploughshares/ "Shannon 5"

The YouTube link is