The Rally Against the Rally Against (Anti-fascist rally)

Date and Time: 
Sunday, May 15, 2011 -
12:00pm to 2:00pm
Federation Square - Melbourne City

The Australian Defence League

are holding a fascist rally on 15 May; 12:00 noon at Fed Square. You may remember that the last time they tried this on last March, we held a Rally Against the Rally Against

So this time, we're gonna stop them again.

Be there to help stop the fascists from spreading their hateful bullshit in Melbourne.



Folks.. if any bright spark tries to 'stop' our rally they could be in serious legal trouble. Feel free to scream shout rant or blow your whistles... or whatever crazy stunt you do.. but be warned.. the police arn't far away.. they have been informed, and it doesn't take much for behavior to be 'illegal'.

I have a better idea.. JOIN US.. yep.. because your rally is against racism.. and Islam IS Racism.. but I suppose it's a bit much to hope that you dear folks would actually know that..'s easier to just whip up anti 'whitey' hysteria. Well if anyone DOES try to make this 'race based'.. which can include 'white'.. they might feel the full force of the Race Discrimination Act section 18c...and of course..the associated costs.

Much better to simply join us.... we can protest together against 'racism' (in Islam) and Islamo fascism.... here's a clue.. read the 9th chapter of the Quran, specially verses 29 and 30... there's a good boy and girl.. then you might undersand why we will be out there tomorrow.

Have a nice rest..

Don't stop with Islam let the racist zionist Jews from Israel have it too they are worse than Islam more thing.

You might succeed in distrupting this one... but we will quickly learn other ways to organize.. err like not actually advertising them ? awwwww pout.
Public rallies don't mean much.. our or yours.. they just help sell a few capitalist newspapers.. even the Age. So.. no need to take this kind of thing so seriously.. just have a fun day out and actually turn your brains on sufficiently to have a conversation.