Osama: Was he guilty?

Well, if you say so. Too late for a trial now, isn't it! He's "done like a dinner". And while we are on the subject of "the guilty", is Gadaffi really the man you say he is? And was his son and grandchildren as guilty as he? I could go on all day about who is supposed to be guilty about "stuff" none of us really know anything about. What disturbs me is that whatever you feed us is all swallowed without much fuss. Easy. Job done. I don't know who to be more mad at, you or "the masses", in times like these. I mean, maybe it's all true. Who am I, or anyone else, to say? But, what powers of investigation do we have? None. I read somewhere that floride in our drinking water keeps "the masses" stupid. Maybe there is some truth in that. Anyway, carry on feeding us "stuff". Maybe we'll get dessert, like a peek at Will and Kate's honeymoon. Whatever...


Whatever indeed.
You are lambs to the slaughter - follow us now - don't look back - look straight at the television we will tell you how to react and behave.
No thinking now bah, bah that's the way, truth what do you mean 9/11, we told you he did it! And yes we have the right to murder him - no trial - you forget, how many times do you have to be told we are above the law. Silly you, we are the law.
Now go and eat a mac or chucky and just settle down, have a choke'a also you must need the sugar - behave and all will be good. Just wait for the next installment...........

Instead be alternative lambs to the slaughter. Look to conspiracy theorists and bloggers to tell you what to think and how to react.

Osama was a good bloke when the C.I.A trained and armed him to fight the Russians,just like Saddam was a good bloke when the C.I.A trained and armed him to fight Iran.Pol pot was a good bloke in American eyes too backed by the C.I.A.
Pinochet was another good bloke backed by the C.I.A.
Idi Amen had C.I.A Backing.
The question should be Who is guilty?

The question is not "Whether he was Guilty?" The question is what makes him, and others like him, do what they do. Do we think the West is crystal clear virtue? What makes me mad is the fear and the anger that's fanned by the media, and by the American establishment. When there's a clash of values and viewpoints there's always two sides to it, but that's something the American and Australian public don't want to hear. Osama's actions certainly killed people, but that's what fighting and war are all about. Was he not a soldier, a hero to his own people? I certainly wouldn't put him in the same category as Saddam Hussein and Pol Pot - both terrible cruel sadists.

Who cares killing OSama was a great way to get Americans to celebrate May Day!

Bin Laden - Murder - yes we can !