Brisbane blacks, clean up your own back yard

" Unfinished Business in Brisbane "

A major problem and impediment to progress is the Aboriginal Bureaucracy. That layer of people between us and the Government ( read money ) the middleman ( or woman ) Mainly Administration and Management of Aboriginal and Islander and associated organisations. i.e. Legal Services, Health Services, Hostels, Youth Services, Education etc. their Supporters in the Public Services, including the mainly,One-Dimensional, Aboriginal Academics and Professionsl Agitators.
This is why people like Michael Long and others feel the need to Communicate Directly with heads of Government. To Circumnavigate These People.
It is the Failure of These People that led directly to the Loss of A.T.S.I.C.
There is Absolutely No Doubt! about this.
The Accumulation of Blatant Maladministration, Mismanagement and Gross Incompetence in A&I Organisations in Brisbane for instance, led to the Loss of Musgrave Park Aboriginal Corporation ( M.P.A.C ), a major service provider that was responsible for two ( 2 ) A&I hostels in Brisbane.
As well as being a day and drop-in centre for many A&I and non Indigenous homeless and street people. EVERYONE !! in South Brisbane including Non-Indigenous Locals, The Police, the A&I Community, the People that Accept and Accepted the mantle of Community Leaders and Spokespersons and so called Role Models,
Was Aware of the Ongoing Maladministration, Mismanagement and Corruption including Drug-dealing, ( there were police raids ) Associated With This Organisation, And for Years !!
Yet only newly appointed Manager Phylis Iker was prepared to say or do anything about it.
And she was Sacked by the *President of M.P.A.C for her efforts and, Without Explanation !!
( she sued but dropped the case )
Many were on the board of M.P.A.C. at various times.
A lot of these people are, Still on the Boards of, Running, and Employed in, A&I Organisations in Brisbane and Handling 100s of Thousands of Dollars ! Everyone Knows Who They Are, and it is No Secret !! Inquire of these issues to the so called, Local Leaders and Spokespersons ( Elders?)
and they will declare that they are "Blind and Deaf" !!
This is the reason for the Initial, Deafening Silence on the Demise of A.T.S.I.C.
Accountability Thrown Out The Door !!
Yet With Employment and Funding Secure.
( After a couple of years as is now, the AVI is very vocal about the loss of ATSIC.
But only because it is safe to be so !! )
The A&I organisation services up here in Brisbane were All Double and even,Triple dipping. i.e. Submitting to and receiving funds from Commonwealth, State and even Local Government.
As they were successful in these endeavours long before ATSIC and they simply carried on after ATSIC was established.
Even from the Community Benefit Gambling Fund !! As non-profit organisations.
It was More Money for them and they didn't have to comply with the Accountability Guidelines that were, and had to be, set by ATSIC !!
Take Murri Mura , a large and very valuable rental property in South Brisbane for instance,
the Board that legally owned it, refused to deal with or accept money from ATSIC to run the place.
And as a result it became massively in debt through rates and electricity bills.
It was let off on a couple of occasions by BCC but they owed to much and in the end they sold it !!
And for well under it's true Value !!
The people that were running the place were simply, not qualified to do so !! ( nor was the board )
Murri Mura was one of the properties that was purchased through the Aboriginal Development Corporation ( ADC )
A cheaper property was bought with the proceeds.
That was in the end, Abandoned !! ( what happened to the rest of the money ?
Well, some of it went to a well known drug dealer !! He was on the board !! )
With the dismantling of the Aboriginal Development Corporation Much properties and infrastructures, unknown to the general public or discussed, was passed on privately, and to Boards of Organisations. ( Murri Mura ) Much was Lost !!
Including monies advanced to staff and management, and unsecured loans.
Many people were ( a lot still around ) Let Off the Hook !!
And now it looks the same with A.T.S.I.C.
Many have been around for to long.
The Old Guard a lot of them.
Still Clinging to and Capitalising on their Past Achievements.
A Lot done a Lot of Good.
But now it is time for them to Move On.
They certainly have No Answers to the Problems in this Country.
It is Extremely Doubtful if they even know what the Problems Are !!
And some even, Responsible For Them !!
This is why in the main, A&I people including street -people and the paint sniffers,
have No Respect for their Oppressive, Tunnel-Visioned, One Dimensional Agendas.
And A&I Organisations and Services in general.
And Will Not Engage with them.
*He's still around and on boards.
Arthur Bell ( c. 6/03 edited )


These fellas, who were ripping-off everything, must-a-been edicated in private schools, like the corporate CEOs!

These fellas, who were ripping-off everything, must-a-been edicated in private schools, like the corporate CEOs!

Good Solid Article however! Well Done Fella!