More horror news on palm oil savagery

By Diet Simon, sourced on Rainforest Rescue

More horror news about the palm oil pestilence destroying ever more Third World people, with help from the World Bank.

In Honduras 25 murders of subsistence farmers are being blamed on the palm oil corporation, Dinant.

In Colombia 123 farming families violently driven off by police in 2009 at the behest of the Daabon palm oil corporation want to return peacefully to their lands.


In the Aguan Valley Dinant is waging a bloody war. The corporation is said to have seized the land of 700 farming families, 11,000 hectares in all. The farmers have occupied parts of the oil plantations. Dinant is responding with violence, being blamed for already 25 murders.

The expansion of Dinant and the plantations is funded by a 30 million US dollar loan from the World Bank and by another 20 million dollars of German overseas aid.

There's a ready to go protest letter here.


The Colombian farmers want to stop the clearing of their lands for palms. 123 families want to return home after being violently driven away by police in July 2009.

They failed in their efforts to get their land rigghts officially recognsed. Violence, eviction and land theft are common in Colombia.

About 4 million people in this country share the fate of inland refugees.

There's a ready to go protest letter here.


Palm oil is more important than these people dont worry about it as long as there is enough people to exploit and do the labor every thing is O/K