Speak out - Stop the bombing of Libya

Date and Time: 
Friday, April 1, 2011 -
5:00pm to 6:00pm
Brisbane, King George Square

Colonel Gadaffi presides over a brutal, authoriarian regime. He should be overthrown. However, it is clear from the examples of Iraq and Afganistan that regime change cannot be imposed from without. The people of the Middle East and North Africa have demonstrated that they have the capacity to effectively challenge their own dictators. Western forces should keep out.

Join the speak out against the bombing of Libya this Friday April 1 in King George Sq 5pm

Oragnised by Stop the War Collective - Brisbane



You've lost the plot.

If it were not for for foreign intervention Gadaffi would have slaughtered the rebels in Benghazi.

I'm seeing the left crumble before my eyes. You seem unable to escape your reactionary anti-US dogma.

i think what is essentially being challenged is hypocracy at a global governing level. Good on ya's for maintaining a stand against big global GO's in trying times & not loosing the plot.