With the start of the new duck killing season only a week away, opponents of the slaughter of native birds in the name of sport lined the steps of Parliament House on Sunday to condemn the Brumby Government’s decision not only to allow the season to go ahead, but even to increase the allowed catch – this in spite of overwhelming opposition from within the community and the ALP itself, not to mention the near-catastophic drop in bird populations after years of drought.
The callout was issued by the newly-formed ‘Duck Army’, an initiative of teenagers Jack Styles and Clementine Round (who joined the duck rescue team in 2009 and saw first-hand what recreational shooting entails for the birds on the receiving end), but there was a wide range of ages in the 100 or so who held placards and shouted slogans along the lines of “What do we want? Native birds. When do we want them? Forever.” and, perhaps inevitably, “”All we are saying, Is give ducks a chance…”
The Coalition against Duck Shooting has issued a call for volunteers to join the Duck Rescue - see http://indymedia.org.au/join-the-duck-rescue-team and http://www.duck.org.au
There is a fuller report with more photos on http://melbourneprotests.wordpress.com/
See also http://www.facebook.com/pages/Melbourne-Australia/DUCK-ARM-Y/306316356363 - the Duck Army on Facebook
and http://ataac.org/ - Australian Teens against Animal Cruelty

Re: Ban duck shooting! The 'Duck Army' mobilizes at ...
If the young people that run this duck army did some research besides using wikipaedia they would find that native bird populations have not dropped dramatically. typical green ideology, lets falsify evidence and facts to suit our ignorant beliefs
Re: Ban duck shooting! The 'Duck Army' mobilizes at ...
1) So with 2000 shooters on the opening day, hypothetically shooting only 1 bird each, there would have been 2000 birds harvested for the dinner table, apparently the rescuers only brought out 60 ducks. Even if they had of found 3 times that and found 180 ducks, this would still be less that 1%. A hell of alot less than the 33.3% then you claim.
2) Duck hunting isn't for fun, we spend thousand on equipment and travel and the last thing we want is to wound a bird. We want clean kills and to retrieve the birds asap to ensure freshness and a tasty meals.
3) Duck hunting is a sustainable method of mitigating the need for a middle man by harvesting our own free range, organic meat for our families.
4) Duck wounding numbers have NEVER been researched in Australia.
5) Duck hunters are responsble, respectable mebers of the community, unlike the protestors who break the law in engaging in their self minded activities, we are all thoroughly vetted by the police.
all this is based on fact instead of lies like your information, so i guess it wont be deemed suitable for your website