We're a land of racists - survey

From: HeraldSun
February 23, 2011
HALF of Australians harbour anti-Muslim sentiments and a quarter are anti-Semitic, according to the biggest survey ever done on racism in this country.
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Jews are not a race they are a religion their is black and white and Asian Jews.
Muslims are not a race either their are black and white and Asian Muslims.
If I said I was a Muslim what race am I ? Any body can convert to Islam or Judaism when you do does your race change? I think not.
What the hell has religion got to do with race ????
Diet Simon it's statements like this that cause trouble. Just because The Herald Sun said it is racism, you believe it, God gave you a brain use it, think for your self and don't believe every thing you read especially if it's in The Herald Sun thats a news paper for idiots wake up fool.

Wrong. Judaism is a religion. Being Jewish is an ethnicity/culture. There is such a thing as an atheist jew, for example.

WRONG we are talking race as in racist here not culture.
Whoopi Goldberg is Jewish and a African American and the President of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu is Jewish His Father Benzion Netanyahu was Polish they are not the same race.
The same for Muslims Anthony Mundine is Aboriginal and a Muslim Mohammed Ali is African American and a Muslim Cat Stephens is Greek and a Muslim.
The only two people Close to the same race would be Whoopi Goldberg And Mohammed Ali (The Greatest)And one is Jewish and the other Muslim.
You are WRONG WRONG WRONG You can,t play the race card on this one,no matter how hard you try

Right on Mohammed,Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor converted to Judaism but they did not convert to another race because it is impossible,Michael Jackson came closest to changing his race.
I think the head line should of been "WE'RE A LAND OF RELIGIOUS PREJUDICE".

Now Diet Simon name one Country that is not?
I dare you.

Josh, you're mistaking me for the author of the survey. I only pointed to a newspaper report about it.

But as you ask, I can't name a country (nation) that is not racist. I think, but am not sure, that racism is driven by fear of the unknown. What we all have to do is fight that in ourselves to stop being and acting racist. It's about enlightenment, it's about decency, it's about humanity, it's about teaching our kids right. Racist parents beget racist children.


Diet Simon Racism is based on a clash of culture/religion and people not wanting to change, being set in their (own) ways.

People may immigrate to Australia and bring their culture with them because they know no other way thats understandable.Then the people in Australia may take offence to things in that persons culture because it is against Australian culture like arranged marriages or thinking you are the chosen people and you are better than every one else or eating dog or whale just to name a few things and most Australian people will not or can not accept this way of life Right or wrong.
Then the people who have just arrived in Australia may take offence to Australian culture like the drinking of alcohol and drunkenness or Gay people or eating pork and the new Australians can not or will not accept this right or wrong.
To solve the problem some people may say bring back white Australian policy but this is racism and it will never happen right or wrong.
some people will say if you dont want to live like a Australian go back where you come from this is also racism right or wrong.

Some people will say be tolerant and others will say I can not tolerate some one who thinks they are the chosen people and are better than every one else or drink alcohol or eat dog ,whale or pork or arrange marriages or dont like gays right or wrong.

This brings us to the good old bottom line as long as there is different religions and cultures in the world there will always be Racism this is what we must accept right or wrong!!!

The national statistician has just come out with the figure that more than half the people in this country were either not born here or had parents who were not born here.

You wouldn't count any of them to be Australians? I've been one since 1958 -are you even that old?

Who are these "Australians" you refer to who despise all the things you refer to?

As far as I'm concerned, the only "Australians" are of Aboriginal descent. All we others were either boat or plane people, the first coming in chains.

The ancestors of the "Australians" you refer to slaughtered the Aboriginal people in a genocide, which you will no doubt deny.

I would bet that you despise Aboriginal people as much as you despise all the others you primitively villify in your post.

Mate, wear it, the Australia you preach is gone. It's still the most racist country on earth but some of us are working on that.

Diet Simon

Most racist country on earth rubbish !
It,s easy to tell you have not been out side Australia

...neither did the newspaper.

The statement is the outcome of years of research by universities, the longest study ever made of the issue, which the paper, probably unwillingly, reported on.


I think this is proof that idiots are at university if this was a long study and they did not wake up to the fact that Muslims and Jews are a religion and not a race God help us.
Diet Simons why would you point to a news paper report that is rubbish?

NEWS FLASH the whole world is racist.Australia don't hold the monopoly on Racism

Diet Simon my wife is half Aboriginal my children are of Aboriginal decent my wife and children have full blooded Aboriginal relatives and I love them all with all my heart looks like you lost that bet.When I go to Alice Springs to Visit my in Laws I don't see the hate in these communities for white Australians like the hate you harbor for white Australia. Its comments like yours that create a divide in Australia.A lot of Aboriginals want to move forward and not dwell on the past.

Its sounding like you have racist views towards Australians.Who are those Australians I refer to they would be every body who has Australian citizenship you will find that most not all think arranged marriages is wrong and that people should choose their own partners. I would say the majority of Australians would support Gay rights.

My ancestors came her on a boat in the early 1900's as far as I know none of then ever killed any body.The genocide you talk about was mostly done by the English in the early days of Australia.

The Australia I preach about is here today.

Can you honestly say that Australia is the most racist country on earth, have you been to Israel I have ? and I tell you racism is alive and gaining momentum it beats Australia hands down.I have also been to Fiji during the George Spait Coup at least Australia will not Kick out Gillard because she was born in wales.The racism in America in the southern states is bad I was on the receiving end because my wife is Aboriginal i have never copped that in Australia.

Diet Simons I suggest you travel the World and see for your self, you will also see Australia is the best country in the world by a long shot.

The only point i was trying to make was while humans have different religion and culture their will always be racism you proved that.

....that's what nearly all my friends are. I hate the racists in this country, and there are a lot of them.

It was not just the English who massacred, it was the Scots and Irish they brutalised as prisoners who in turn brutalised the even weaker victims.

You are a lucky man to have those Aboriginal connections and I'm happy to lose that bet.
