Unfinished Nation: Is Indonesia heading the way of Egypt?

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 -
6:30pm to 8:30pm
New International Bookshop, Trades Hall 54 Victoria St, Carlton

In 1998 a mass movement led by students forced Indonesia’s dictator, Suharto, to resign after a 33 year rule. A new balance of power between the ruling class and the masses was established, with much greater room for organising and campaigning over the last decade. In this Underground Talk, Max Lane will discuss how the struggles of the 1990s have affected the post-Suharto period: the fate of the Left during the last ten years; the state of social and political struggle today, and the prospects for another crisis. He will argue that a deeper political crisis than 1998 is looming in the next five years. Will the Left be ready?

Entry: $5/ $2 concession.

Max Lane is a writer and independent scholar. He has translated the works of Pramoedya Ananta Toer, W.S. Rendra and other Indonesian writers. He is an active socialist and has been active in solidarity activity with Indonesia, East Timor and the Philippines. His blog is www.maxlaneonline.com



There would have been no Bali bombing if Suharto was still in power