Carlton Gardens bike-ban protest February 26th

Date and Time: 
Saturday, February 26, 2011 -
11:30am to 2:30pm
Carlton Gardens, Melbourne

The RUNDOWN on the day:
11:30am Assemble on the grass on the corner of Carlton st and Nicholson St
12:00 am Form a backwards single file line streching down the Canning st Park enterance.
12:15am Proceed trying to walk backwards.
...MC Jon Bennett will be directing proceedings. He is a funny man.

Bikes. Some people have 'em. Perhaps you do? Have you ever ridden on the Nicholson 'bike path'. It's bonkers and dangerous to pedestrians and cyclists. Despite all the consultation that went into this approach, it's hardly a solution.

At the moment riders are stuck in an awkward policy sandwich between the rights of cars and rights of pedestrians. City of Melbourne needs to let us ride and make love in Carlton Gardens. Or at least ride through it.

Lets put an end to the ridiculous fines:

Let's encourage cycling wherever possible, not put up unnecessary barriers that work for no-one.

The park is wide and accommodating, like a rotund nun's hug. It can easily fit some bikes in it, rolling with style and grace and giving pedestrian's a wide berth.

It's good to remember this doesn't just serve as a protest to change policy in this issue, it puts bikes and their needs at the front of peoples attention. W'eve been getting some positive press coverage: One small step for bikes, one giant leap for bike-kind.

I propose that at the very least the section of the park that continues on from the Canning bike st path way is opened up to bikes riding a reduced speed.



This is ridiculous. MANY MANY cyclists fly through these gardens, without any care in the world for the pedestrians in them. Sure SOME cyclists are careful and ring there bell, slow down near the playground etc... however many many many don't. Rathdowne street has a great cycling lane. Are you all so lazy that you can't use this instead of complain about Nicolholson st shared path? Riding through the garden only means you are off road for 1 minute and then you are back in the think of the traffic again. I SUPPORT THE BAN ON BIKES!