Sydney protest to support the Libyan people

Chanting "down down Gaddafi" and "Julia has to know, Gaddafi has to go", 300 passionate protestors expressed their support for the Libyan people and opposition to the Gaddafi regime. Protestors came from the Libyan community, the broader Middle Eastern community including Egyptians and Tunisians who have recently toppled their own dictators, as well as many supporters. Speakers included Islamic Friendship association's Keysar Trad, Sylvia Hale from the Greens, the CFMEUs Andrew Ferguson, Pip Hinman from Stop the War Collective and Socialist Alliance, plus many speakers from a Libyan background, including one whose relative had died in the recent crackdown on protests. A Libyan student announced that a delegation had travelled to Canberra and the Libyan consulate had cut all ties with the Gaddafi regime - news received with cheers.

A further protest to support the people power movements in the Middle East and North Africa will be held at noon on Saturday (February 26) at Town Hall.

Story and photo by Paul Benedek



MOre pics from the rally here:

Shameless red-neck fake democracy rambling two-faced hypocrites, or simply put - bloody drongos.

Al-qaeda Drugged the youth of Libya to rise up against Gaddafi(thats what Gaddafi said in a resent address to his people) thats why Gaddafi killed these people he is fighting terrorism just like Australia and America he is on our side he is helping to fight terrorism in his country.


"Revolutions" and uprisings in Europe, France 1789, Netherlands 1792, showed the following caracteristics:
- Lower and middle class were involved to give "the revolution" a body and provide for gun flesh.
- "Democracy" and freedom of press were introduced.
- Within a very short time all the freedoms were surpressed and "leading committees" took power.

general info:

For the "revoltion of 1848" in France, conclusions in a histry class were:
- Middle class got a few liberties and only rich could vote
- Low class was used as a vihicle and did gain nothing. If loans went up these were lowered gradually later. Their pains and sufferings and deaths were never paid for or rewarded.

general info:

The Russian revoltion 1917 did happens in several steps.
- First were a kind of democratic reforms.
- Second was the change to "Communist councils of people and workers". this happened by a short interior war between the new democatic rulers and the Communists. In this battle the elite troups of the Navy in Kronstadt played an important role. They brought victory to the Communists.
Later these Navy troups understood they were just misused. They did kill some generals and they themselves came into an uprise.
Most of them got killed, some could escape to Finland over the frozen sea.

The writer Anthony Sutton points to the US settled bankers who did finance the revolution. "ST Petersburg was crowded with Jewish agents months before the revolution. Most did not speak Russian", a source did mention. "Wallstreet and the Bolshevik revolution".

Famous is the fact that Trotsky was captured by Canadian autorities in the harbour of Halifax on charges we would call today: "being a suspected terrorist". High American persons did order him to be released so he could sail to ST Petersburg.
Lenin had been in excile in Switserland, because he was a "terrorist". He did live there as a nobleman. He was given a lot of money and got help of German generals to travel in a special train back to Russia.

We as a pubic or spectators are teached to think in black and white or red and white. "The good ones and the bad ones".
Also we are told we should join one of the sides or at least show our support for one of those sides.
This can be a realistic and genuine approach in some cases but often it just makes a smokescreen where behind the real hidden evil forces can to their job. (Now unwatched by the suspicious crowd, because those have joined sides allready)

Remember we were encouraged to celebrate that the "dictator Saddam Hussein" his country was liberated by the Americans? We were not told there was an ongoing destabilisation of the country, mismanagement, robbery of natural resourses.

A person who took part in the Roumanian uprise which brought an end to the Communist era, later did mention: "We were fools. They were shooting at us to get a good television broadcast. Some got killed for nothing. It was all organised by US and our own secret service."
In the beginning of that "revolution" a lot of corpses were shown as "Securitate killed citisans". Later heavy doubt came up about the facts whether those bodies were stolen from the local hospital.

More on red and white: search for:
Ben Goerion´s scandals.

Interesting comment on Libya and middle east protests: translated with|en|
"Friday, February 25, 2011
On December 30, 2008 sent the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, a diplomatic telegram to Washington. The content was not the best wishes for the new year, but the state of affairs "regime change" in Egypt. Openly supported the then U.S. President Mubarak, but secretly played it completely different things. The plan was for the 2011 elections to establish a parliamentary democracy. This was already a sort of agreement between various opposition parties including the Wafd, the Nasseristen, Karama, Tagammu, Kifata the Muslim Brotherhood and the movement of Revolutionary Socialists.
The U.S. ambassador expressed her doubts about the possible success of such an operation, but the project was not stopped. Interestingly, the "April 6 youth movement" was seen as the core of the opposition. One of the leaders of this movement had been in Washington for a conference with representatives of similar organizations in various countries (No, not from Greece, Iceland, Ireland, etc etc). Let's guess: Iran, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, etc. The name of the representative of 6 April Movement has not been announced (Wikileaks does privacy protection), but in all likelihood this is meant Wael Ghonim, Google employee who was considered by various media as the mouthpiece of a patriotic new generation of educated Egyptians (including CNN on 10/02/2011). Change, yes we can. Oh, Bibi would have been in Washington for the conference?"
(Bibi is a Dutch politician, who agues alot against "islamists".)
"Unverified Misreporting on Libya
America's media, Britain's state-controlled BBC, other Western sources, and Al Jazeera are spreading unverified or false reports on Libya's uprising.

On February 25, writer Madhi Darius Nazemroaya, a Middle East/Central Asian specialist, based on reliable in-country contacts, headlined an important article, "Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention?"..."
Article linked to

Same article:
Libyan Analysis in Bullet Points

-- Unlike Tunisia, Egypt, and other regional allies, "upsetting (Libya's) established order is a US and EU objective," by replacing one despot with another.

-- the West "seek('s) to capitalize on the revolt" for new leadership it controls.

-- Heavy weapons are coming in.

-- Destabilizing Libya affects its vast energy reserves and neighboring states, perhaps the entire region.

-- Tensions among Libyan factions complicate matters further, including between Gaddafi's son, Saif Al-Islam, "and his father's circle of older ministers. Libyan ministers are generally divided amongst those (close to Said) and" member's of the "old guard."

-- Other tensions exist between Gaddafi and his sons, perhaps one generation against another, each with its own ideas incompatible with the other.

-- Gaddafi spent years purging opposition. Even so, "little loyalty is felt for (him) and his family." Fear alone gives them power. Now it's gone, denunciation of his regime openly stated. "Aref Sharif, the head of Libyan Air Force," renounced him. Ministers and ambassadors resigned, some going abroad. "Defections are snowballing amongst the military and government." Yet what's ongoing may differ significantly from unverified or willful major media misreporting, including by Al Jazeera.

-- Authentic opposition is real, but not organized. It's "been encouraged and prompted from outside Libya through social media networks, international news stations, and events in the rest of the Arab World." As a result, major media reports are suspect. Accept nothing from them at face value.

-- Internal opposition leadership comes "from within the regime itself." However, corrupt officials aren't populists. They oppose Gaddafi but not tyranny, corruption, and other trappings of power and privilege. Some of them, in fact, wish "to save themselves, while others" want to "strengthen their positions." It's also possible or likely that they've allied with Western powers for their own self-interest.

Other source.
US covertly aided Egyptian protest leaders for regime change, secret December 2008 WikiLeaks cable reveals.
"The United States has been covertly preparing a regime change in Egypt for the last two years secretly assisting the leaders who were preparing a blueprint to bring representative government to Egypt now emerged as leaders or organizers of the mass uprising that the world is witnessing today..."
NATO to set up bases in Libya ..!!
garizo.blogspot - 01.03.2011 08:33

Britain, France and the United States have dispatched hundreds of military advisors to Libya to set up military bases in the country's oil-rich east, reports say.
‘libya uprising was preplanned and organised’ (no evidence offered)
Libya in the Great Game
Manlio Dinucci, Il Manifesto, Feb 25 2011
trans. John Catalinotto, Global Research, Feb 27 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Revolt In Libya: Are The US And EU Pushing For Civil War To Justify NATO Intervention?
I, like so many others, have been perplexed by the events going on in Libya right now. People have to understand that Ghadaffi has been propped up by the United States and Israel, for the last decade at least, and therefore there is some confusion as to what their true aims are by now aiding the opposition forces that are revolting for the overthrow of their former "client". Confusing indeed....

For some better understanding of the true situation in Libya and not what is being promoted by the BS mass media, I want to present the following article that comes courtesy of the website: Intifada, Voice of Palestine, at, that finally gives a true assessment of the situation in Libya. Here is that article for my own readers to view and ponder:



Interesting websites not veryfied by me, nor are above mentioned articles: here news and "wheather control"

I was living in Libya for five years and I'm witness about a lot of atrocities made by the authority and the Military especially in the place called(Hwazet el enab)
somewhere in Jenzour.I believe that the regime of khaddafi must end before the country fall in a big caos and will end the same way as the Vietnam war.I support the change in Libya for the sack of freedom.