Commemorating the 5th anniversary of the national apology

Contact Phone: 
0427 030 545
Date and Time: 
Wednesday, February 13, 2013 -
8:00am to 10:00am
Contact Email:
PDF icon Melbourne Apology Day 2013.pdf1.32 MB
Contact Name: 
Damian O'Keefe
Federation Square - Main Stage

An event to continue the journey towards healing and recognition, and show support for members of the stolen generation...All Welcome!
Join members of Aboriginal communities, school students and reconciliation supporters to commemorate the 5th anniversary of this sacred moment in our nation’s history….a moment we must never forget!
• Free coffee and breakfast!
• Live music from the Kutcha Edwards Trio
• Students displaying Proud Race bollards of inspiring Aboriginal people
• Welcome to Country by Aunty Joy Murphy
• Link-Up Victoria book launch ‘Where were you?’ with guest speakers
• Screening of the Apology Speech
