Colombia Forum

Date and Time: 
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 -
6:30pm to 9:00pm
ETU Building, 1/200 Arden St, North Melbourne

Report back from Colombia - Colombia unions and resistance
movements today!

For two weeks in July, a Solidarity Delegation representing the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), the Electrical Trades Union (ETU), the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA), and the Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) visited Colombia, hosted by SINALTRAINAL, a union the food services sector, including workers for Kraft, Nestle, Coca-Cola and the whole agro-industry products.

We met with a range of unions, indigenous organisations, student groups, and other social and political movements.

The delegation is organising a panel and public forum for next Tuesday August 31, 6:30PM,, at ETU building, 1/200 Arden St. North-Melbourne to discuss the current situation of the Colombian social movements, the actions of the Colombian state, the influence of multinational corporations on Colombian society, and the need for international solidarity with the Colombian people. Please join us to learn about:

-What does General Franco have to do with Colombian TV news?

-Why did Hugo Chavez sever diplomatic relations with Colombia?

-What is a "zone maquila" and how does it affect workers' rights?

-What can you do to stop the murders of Colombian activists?

This event is being hosted by the ETU and organised by LASNET.

LASNET is a democratic collective grassroots organisation committed to building solidarity between Australian and Latin American activists and social movements. To learn more about the organisation, go to or contact

More information, please call James 0417 732 698 or Lucho 0425 539 149

For you diary:

Latin American, Australian & Asia Pacific Solidarity Gathering

-Defending workers and indigenous rights-

"Building alliances and resistances against multinational corporations"

15,16,17 October 2010

Trades Hall, Melbourne - Australia
