Useful Code

Including images within the body of a text

1.When you file a story attach the images you want to use on the page. All the images will be listed as attachments on the bottom of the page. The first image will be used in the header of the story, but you can use this or any other images you have published on the page in the content of the article.

2. In the place where you want your second image to appear, perhaps half way down the page, edit the report to add this code where you want the image to appear (Note - the code below needs to be viewed in "edit" mode otherwise it is not all visible.:

width="250" align="right" alt="description of image"/>

The src="" is taken from the URL address for the attachment published on the page, or from the URL address of an image previously published on the site. You should generally not link to images not on as that is bad internet etiquette - called bandwidth theft. The exception to this is if you are using an image from say which is creative commons licenced, you add the related embed code for that image on the site.

The width="250" specifies our wide the image will appear on the page. You can reduce or increase this value to suit the room on the page.

The align="right" will put the image on the right of the page, with text flowing around the image. You can change this to align="left" for left alignment, or leave out entirely if you do not want text to flow
around the image.

The alt="description of image" provides a text description of the image for sight disabled users and search engines.

3. Preview the update to the article, and when it looks correct, press save to publish.