(meal from 6pm)
Samah Sabawi, a Palestinian-Australian writer, playwright, producer, political analyst and commentator on human rights. Originally from Gaza, Samah resides in Australia and is a public advocate for Australians For Palestine.
Mick Bull is an Australian Manufacturing Workers Union organiser and a participant in Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA's recent tour to Palestine.
Just as an international campaign helped isolate the apartheid regime in South Africa, so too an international campaign in the form of boycotts, divestment initiatives and sanctions (BDS) can exert political pressure on apartheid Israel make a just settlement with the Palestinians. The speakers will address Israel's ongoing human rights violations in Gaza and the West Bank from an eyewitness perspective and discuss the increasingly influential BDS campaign.
A Socialist Alliance public meeting
For more info ph 9639 8622 or 0431 311 520.