Central Highlands forests need your help - Sylvia Creek Forest being logged

Date and Time: 
Sunday, July 31, 2011 -
12:00pm to 3:00pm
Contact Email: 
Wirrawilla Rainforest Walk, Sylvia Creek Road, Toolangi (MELWAYS PAGE 10, Q2, or see Google maps)

This Sunday, please come along to an afternoon of ecology talks, forest walks, photography, music, songs and poetry, community arts banner, campaign news at Sylvia Creek forest. 31st July - 12 to 3pm
Wirrawilla Rainforest Walk, Sylvia Creek Road, Toolangi
(MELWAYS PAGE 10, Q2, or see Google maps)

Save Sylvia Creek, Toolangi

Join thousands of Australians asserting their commitment to sustainability and the environment by NOT purchasing Reflex Paper until its producer, Australian Paper, stops sourcing from native forests.

The production of woodchips for pulp and paper is the largest driver of forest destruction in Australia. Viable alternatives exist. Australia currently has a vast amount of plantation wood available so there is no excuse for Reflex to be produced from the destruction of our native forests.

Logging native forests damages crucial wildlife habitat, damages water catchments and releases huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere - globally, 'logging and land-use changes' account for almost 20% of all greenhouse gas emissions.

Furthermore, most forestry jobs are in the plantation sector but state governments use our taxpayer dollars to sell native forests at artificially low prices, undermining the plantation sector and putting plantation jobs at risk.
