Catholic Workers and others in court for resisting the War on Afghanistan

Date and Time: 
Monday, March 5, 2012 -
8:30am to 4:00pm
Brisbane Magistrate Court (cnr. Turbot and George Sts.)

On 5 March 5 peace activists- Andy Paine, Christel Palmer, Jim Dowling, Cully Palmer and Sean O’Reilly- will appear in the Brisbane Magistrates Court to answer charges of causing a public nuisance and disobeying a police direction without reasonable cause. These charges arise from the action on 7 October last year to mark the 10th. anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan. It is from the Gallipoli Barracks that many of the Australian troops are deployed. 25-30 people gathered outside Gallipoli Barracks at Enoggera and after a moving ceremony the five knelt on the road, blockading the entrance of the barracks and bringing traffic to a halt. Joined by those around them, the five prayed, sang and recited the names of many the dead who have perished over the previous 10 years. Traffic was blocked for 30-40 minutes before the group, refusing police instructions to move, was arrested.

The real victims of the invasion have been the Afghani civilian population with a higher casualty rate in the 6 months leading up to the 10th. anniversary than any same period since the invasion. Successive Australian governments speak of ‘staying the course’, ‘finishing the job’ and ‘we will not cut and run’. However for many respected Afghani leaders, leaving this war is precisely what they want the Australian military to do. The Australian government is seen as supporting the corrupt Kasai regime where democracy is a farce and our military’s presence brings further civilian deaths and suffering.

We invite those who stand with the people of Afghanistan to join us as we take our witness before the court. The situation has only continued to deteriorate. We will endeavour to put those facts before the court and expose our own government’s complicity in this War of Terror.

Bring the troops home, remember those who have suffered and died in Afghanistan and demand an Australian foreign policy based on justice.

Gathering outside the Brisbane Magistrate Court (cnr. Turbot and George Sts.)
Monday 5th March 8.30Am for vigil (Court starts around 9.30)
For further information Email contact Jim penangke AT
