Can't pay, won't pay! Solidarity action for the workers and people of Greece

Date and Time: 
Sunday, May 16, 2010 -
2:00pm to 5:00pm
Contact Email:
State Library

Fairly self-explanatory.

Organised by Bash Back! Melbourne
Supported by Melbourne Black



Greece and Spain won't pay back. The only thing Germans can do is:
REPOSES 170 Leopard 2AEX Battle Tanks from Greece, and 190 Leopard 2A6E Battle Tanks from Spain.
U.S.A must REPOSES 170 F-16 Jet Fighters from Greece, … the rest is gone with the wind …forever …
Greece must stop paying lucrative pensions with borrowed money, reform the free health care system, and cut down, 4 times the military budged.

Modern Democracy:

Budget pays for Police and Garbage Removal, prisons not needed - islands are good enough - or deportation to East European nations - Ouzo- and Retsina- pipelines and conveyor belts for Fetta delivery to German banks, most of all the Goldman Sachs' raising of the Atlantis Solvency Gate...Portugal, Spain, Ireland and more countries are interested in joining the new club - UK has Australia for deportations.

Europe special mp3 under way