Cairns Radical Media Collective - "Smash Capitalism and Get a Good Feed"

Date and Time: 
Friday, July 9, 2010 -
7:00pm to 11:45pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Digger Street Arts Collective - 105 Digger Street, Cairns

"Get A Good Feed and Smash Capitalism"

The Cairns Radical Media Collective presents a movie night exploring the foundations of the cruel capitalist system of slavery and how we can begin to build a more decent world, beginning with the four part documentary "The Century of Self". Each night will begin with a good vegetarian meal and we will also be showing various other films and snippets and discussion exploring the questions of how we can take action to improve the situation around us.

Every Friday, Starts 7.00pm

This week; 'Surplus, Terrorized Into Being Consumers' and 'Et la guerre est a peine commence' ('And the war has only just begun')

“The sleep of our era is not a good sleep that provides rest. It’s an anxious sleep that leaves you feeling even more worn out, desiring only to go back to sleep again, to escape this irritating reality a little longer. There is a narcosis that begs for an even deeper narcosis. Those who, by luck or misfortune, awake from the prescribed sleep come into this world as lost children. Where are the words, where is the house, where are my ancestors, where are my loves, and where are my friends? There are none, my child. Everything has to be built. You must build the language that you will live in. You must build the house where you’ll no longer be alone. You must find the ancestors who will make you freer. And you must invent the new sentimental education through which, once again, you will love. And you must build all of this upon general hostility, because those who have awaken are the nightmare of those who are still asleep.”

