Budget Transparency Twitter Chat

Date and Time: 
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 -
8:00pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email: 
Contact Name: 
Rosie Williams
Use the hashtag #budgetaus on Twitter

I run Australia's first project in budget transparency BudgetAus. BudgetAus educates the public about how government money is spent. It contains a database with every program in the federal budget and provides totals on any topic across the entire budget. You can find my primer on budget transparency published recently in New Matilda.

I am running a Twitter chat on budget transparency on Tue 8pm to discuss politician entitlements and create an informal support group to pressure government to improve transparency. This is a good opportunity to create change on this issue so please check out the site and blog. Feel free to send me your questions in advance. Look for the hashtag #budgetaus!