Blockade Against "Economic & Social Outlook Conference"

Date and Time: 
Thursday, June 30, 2011 -
8:00am to 11:00am
Melbourne University

"A Who's who that's Screwing You"

Gathering together to "Ride the resource boom to lasting prosperity" as they put it are a who's who of the Australian political field.

There are a few people here that we believe many groups and individuals would like to protest against (in fact we have protested against many of them before) they are conveniently gathering in the same place.
...Speakers at the event include:

Ted Baillieu MP, Premier of Victoria
Paul Kelly, Editor-at-Large, The Australian
Martin Ferguson AM MP, Minister for Resources and Energy
Wayne Swan MP, Treasurer and Deputy Prime Minister
Jenny Macklin MP, Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Professor Glyn Davis AC, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Melbourne
Paul Drum, Head of Business and Investment Policy, CPA Australia
Joe Hockey MP, Shadow Treasurer
Bill Shorten MP, Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation
Malcolm Turnbull MP, Shadow Minister for Communications and Broadband
Penny Wong, Minister for Finance and Deregulation
Tony Abbott MP, Leader of the Opposition

For those that are concerned about the treatment of Refugees, the NT Intervention, workers rights, increase in police powers in Victoria (including the anti swear laws), University cut backs, increase in the Nuclear Industry or any of those of us not lucky enough to be "Riding the resource boom" come along and demonstrate against this lineup of a Who's who that's screwing you.

We will be having a chat about the organising of this event this Friday 6pm in RAAF Office Trades Hall.

For more info
