Beyond Zero Emissions Discussion Group 630pm Monday 7th December -Dr Keith Lovegrove

Date and Time: 
Monday, December 7, 2009 -
6:30pm to 8:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
2nd Floor, Kindness House, 288 Brunswick St, Fitzroy VIC 3065.

Dr Keith Lovegrove unveiling the new Big Dish

Guest speaker: Dr Keith Lovegrove

Dr. Keith Lovegrove unveiled the ANU's new solar thermal dish in
September at the SolarPACES international solar thermal conference in
Berlin to much acclaim. This will be the first time it will be
presented in Melbourne.

It is the world's biggest solar dish that comes with a mass production
system that can build one dish a day. The dish has the highest optical
efficiency of any commercial solar technology in the world and a field
of 500 produces 100MW electrical power. ANU's dishes can be used on
undulating ground, which is difficult for current solar thermal
systems that use mirror fields or troughs.

Dr. Keith Lovegrove will also talk about replacing all of Australia's
energy needs with this solar technology used in conjunction with
thermal salt storage.

Dr. Keith Lovegrove is a senior lecturer in Engineering in the Faculty
of Engineering and Information Technology at the Australian National
University (ANU). He heads the ANU Solar Thermal Group which works on
a range of projects involving high and low temperature thermal
conversion of solar energy. This includes looking at dish and trough
concentrators and thermochemical energy storage. He is widely
published in scientific journals and has advised the Australian
Government on CSP . Dr Lovegrove and his team are at the forefront of
International research into concentrated solar power.

For more info check out :

Further reading:

Time: 630 ~ 8pm Monday 7th December 2009
Event location: Sans Frontiers Room, 2nd Floor, Kindness House, 288
Brunswick St, Fitzroy VIC 3065.
Wheelchair access available via lift; 2 flights of stairs. Happy to
assist with access.
Please call 0421 272 884 to arrange.
Cost: Gold coin donation
