Belgrave Survival Day

Date and Time: 
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 -
10:00am to 3:00pm
Contact Email:
Image icon survival poster 2010 email copy.jpg7.47 KB
Cameo Outdoor Cinema - 1628 Burwood Highway Belgrave

On Australia Day 2010 the Belgrave Community is coming together for an exciting Survival Day concert to celebrate survival of indigenous culture locally and nationally.

The third annual event will include Judith Durham OAM performing her version of the Australian National Anthemn, and involve indigenous artists including Kutcha Edwards and Band, the Stray Blacks, Healesville Traditional Dance Troupe and Sparkleland an indigenous children’s entertainer. Indigenous Elders Aunty Dot Peters and Uncle Henry will also speak at the event. Stalls selling indigenous craft and bushfoods will be present



The day was absolutely fantastic. It was successful for all who attended.
I was honored to work with all artists who performed. I hope to be involved next year.
Please let everyone know I would be happy to provide AV services to any artists who use this and other indigenous web-sites.