Baillieu's attacks on workers: construction workers, teachers, firefighters, nurses . . . Who's next?

Contact Phone: 
9639 8622
Date and Time: 
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 -
6:30pm to 8:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston St, City. (opposite RMIT).

Public meeting


Tim Gooden (secretary, Geelong Trades Hall)
Luke Hilakari (campaigns officer, Victorian Trades Hall council)

Wednesday, September 19, 6:30pm (meal from 6pm). When construction workers were in dispute with building giant Grocon, the Baillieu government threw its weight behind Grocon which had breached an agreement with the union. 500 or more police were mobilised on a daily basis to blockade the Grocon builiding site in central Melbourne. They violently attacked a peaceful industrial protest on August 22. Then the Baillieu government joined the Grocon legal action against the union.

This follows on from threats against the nurses earlier this year, the axing of thousands of public sector workers, massive budget cuts to services and a below-inflation 2.5% cap on pay increases. The Firefighters are facing the loss of $60 million in funds from the fire services and teachers are facing a challenging battle to stop the TAFE cuts and win a new EBA. Organised by Socialist Alliance. For more info ph 9639 8622.
Event date:
Wed, 19/09/2012 - 6:30pm



Baillieu has paid Grocon $10,000,0000 of tax payers money to destroy the union.Baillieu is a member of the Myer Family he is protecting a Myer site.Grollo made $34million profit last year Baillieu wants to take from the worker to make Grollo's profit bigger, just another case of the rich looking after the rich.Here's a fact about the picket line in Melbourne,It was the first time in history that the Police horses we not able to break a picket line. CFMEU too tough to Die,Proud to be Union.