ANZAC day anti-militarist action

Date and Time: 
Sunday, April 25, 2010 -
10:30am to 11:30am
Contact Email: 
p o box 2120 lygon street nth, east brunswick, vic 3057
Contact Name: 
Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group
Old IWW Headquarters 171 Little Bourke St (cnr Russell St) Melbourne 3000

The media are full of myth-making about the "heroic" Australian military's exploits in Afghanistan, mourning the deaths of Australian troops but not those of their victims.

The ANZAC DAY ANTI-MILITARIST ACTION is on again. It will be held outside the old headquarters of the Industrial Workers of the World, We'll be there again to oppose all wars past and present and particularly to oppose Australian imperialism.

Workers around the world are on the same side. All armies are our enemies.


Join us in protesting against nationalism & militarism and in promoting a working class alternative to war.
