Antifascist Benefit for Rocinante

Date and Time: 
Saturday, April 6, 2013 - 7:00pm to Sunday, April 7, 2013 - 1:00am
Reverence Hotel, 28 Napier Street, Footscray

No to Golden Dawn in Melbourne presents an Antifascist Fundraiser with bands:

Pretty City
Pope's Assassins
Go Genre Everything

First band 8pm sharp
$10 on the door


There has been an alarming increase in racist pogroms in Greece over the last several months. These are by organised fascists and the party Golden Dawn has increased in popularity since the austerity measures were introduced to tighten spending. Racists are targeting foreigners as scapegoats for their economic problems.

In response to this increase in fascist activity, leftist groups have been organising counter actions and counter demonstrations. On the 30th September 2012, 15 demonstrators were arrested at such an action and now have legal costs to cover.

Rocinante would like to help the 15 antifascists as they wish to help all those against the nazi party and the greek state. Funds raised from this concert will be used by Rocinante to go towards paying for the legal defence of the fifteen against the politically motivated charges brought against them.

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