Anarchist Summer School 2011 Cafe Night (Sydney)

Date and Time: 
Saturday, March 26, 2011 -
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Black Rose Anarchist Library & Social Centre 22 Enmore Road Newtown, Sydney

A month on from anarchist summer school 2011, you're invited to share your thoughts, learnings and experiences from A school and catch up with fellow attendees. What did you like about the weekend? What would you like to see happen next time? How can we build on skills, knowledge and relationships developed at A school to work together in the future?
There'll be report-backs from workshops and the opportunity to hear about ongoing and new projects happening now!

Food and drinks available will be available by donation, all proceeds to Black Rose.

RSVPs would be appreciated to estimate numbers for food. Please contact anarchistsummerschool[at]gmail[dot]com
