Active Melbourne Film Series: Burma VJ

Contact Phone: 
9650 1599
Date and Time: 
Thursday, April 29, 2010 -
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Sarah Day
Hayden Raysmith Room Level 4 Ross House 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne Between Swanston and Elizabeth St

Ross House presents
Active Melbourne Film Series - the last Thursday of the month
Thursday 29 April 2010 @ 6pm
Burma VJ
Academy Award Nominated 2010
Winner of over 40 International Awards

Filmed entirely on hand-held cameras, the footage smuggled out of the country: in 2007 after decades of self-imposed silence, Burma became headline news across the globe when peaceful Buddhist monks led a massive rebellion. More than 100,000 people took to the streets protesting a cruel dictatorship that has held the country hostage for more than 40 years.

Foreign news crews were banned, the Internet was shut down, and Burma was closed to the outside world. So how did we witness these events? Enter the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), aka the Burma VJs. Compiled from the shaky handheld footage of the DVB, acclaimed filmmaker Anders Ostergaard’s Burma VJ pulls us into the heat of the moment as the VJs themselves become the target of the Burmese government.

Entry by donation
Drinks and snacks available
All proceeds go to the struggle for democracy in Burma

Next Month: No Impact Man
