A Stifling climate: democracy, coal protest laws and the Climate Movement

Date and Time: 
Thursday, August 5, 2010 -
6:00pm to 7:30pm
Contact Email: 
Room 102 Melbourne Law School, 185 Pelham Street, Carlton

The Climate Action Centre, supported by the LSS Equality and Environment officers, present a public forum on the new offences introduced to deter protest at coal-fired power stations.

Late last year the Victorian Parliament created two new offences specifically aimed at deterring protest activity at coal-fired power stations. Panel members will discuss the legal and civil liberties implications of the laws as well as the ways to understand and respond to this narrowing of the space for political participation.

The evening will feature a legal briefing, panel discussion and opportunity for questions.

Panel members are:
* Vanessa Bleyer, solicitor and former President of Lawyers for Forests who has extensive experience representing forest and climate activists;

* Brian Walters SC, former President of Liberty Victoria. Brian has represented numerous individuals charged with protest-related offences;

* Ellen Roberts, founder of Climate Action Moreland and member of the Friends of the Earth Climate Justice Collective.
