A One Day Conference - WEST PAPUA UPDATE

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Monday, November 29, 2010 -
10:30am to 4:00pm
Contact Email: 
Contact Name: 
Prof Peter King
Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies Mackie Bldg, Room 114 Arundel St, Forest Lodge The University of

The visit of Prime Minister Julia Gillard to Indonesia from
1st to 2nd November 2010 put under the spotlight indigenous
Papuans being tortured by Indonesian Security
Forces on two videos that have circulated widely, and the
Indonesian government has admitted they are real. The
Military Court in Jayapura (Papua) sentenced several soldiers
to just a few months in prison, instead of the Human
Rights Court trying this case.

Meanwhile the Indonesian armed forces chief, Admiral Agus
Suhartono, has announced a new military operation in the
highlands of West Papua, the scene of much violence in recent

Indonesian Solidarity and the West Papua Project at the University
of Sydney are collaborating to present a One Day Conference
Update on Human Rights in West Papua and Security
Sector Reform, plus a new collection of photos from West Papua.


Prof Peter King, the University of Sydney
Political dialogue between Jakarta and Papua: prospects for and obstacles

Muso Sombuk, the University of Papua, Jayapura
Democratisation, Decentralisation and Natural Resources Management in
Papua--Case Study of the Freeport Copper and Gold Mine

Rusdi Marpaung, the human rights Jakarta-based group, Imparsial
Security Sector Reform under President Yudhoyono

Edio Gueterres, Dili – Timor Lorosae
The experience of international human rights campaigns in Timor Lorosae

Cammelia Webb-Gannon, Ph D student at CPACS,the University of
Social Justice for Papua: Aspirations of the West Papuan Global Diaspora
