99 Rally! Occupy Brisbane

Date and Time: 
Friday, December 30, 2011 -
5:00pm to 7:00pm
King George Square, Adelaide St, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Are you sick of politicians giving themselves pay rises? Are you sick of them getting more in one year than what you get in five? Yes!! Join the Occupy Brisbane rally...

Occupy Brisbane is part of a global movement for change. We focus on what unites the majority of the world's people - the 99% - the vision of a democratic society based on human need, not the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are no longer willing to remain silent while governments and their corporate masters take away our rights and destroy the planet.

At this rally we will speak out about the many issues and concerns that are being raised by the Occupy movement, including the need for social and environmental justice; the need for real democracy in our society; the rights of workers and of all those oppressed, exploited and marginalised in our society and we will speak out about the attacks on freedom of speech as governments try to silence the Occupy movement.

Join the rally to speak out about what the global Occupy movement means to us - the 99%.

Friday December 30
5pm, King George Square

Join the Occupy movement.

We are the 99%
You are the 99%
Together we are strong
